“Seth, Builder of Boats” [NC, MFF, Furry, Sexy AI, Amputee]

*A continuation to [“Seth, Destroyer of Girls.”](https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/cpn5ia/nsfw_seth_destroyer_of_girls_ff_mfffff_bdsm_furry/) Commissions open as always.*


Every night on the Ring was a moonless night.

Since the sun was always directly overhead it had surprised me that the ringworld even *had* a night, but its builders had thoughtfully provided it with a second ring to block the sun at regular intervals. It resembled a loop of old-fashioned film stock, with frames that were alternately transparent or opaque.

At the moment we were under one of the “shadow squares”, as the locals called them. We were also out to sea, bobbing along on a forty-foot raft. It was really just me and Aminata, but I’d grown so used to seeing her avatar nearby that, instead of summoning her to me, I went to where I’d last seen her.

“Aminata?” I said, ducking into the cabin in the middle of the raft.


She was strapped to the table, the stumps of her limbs neatly bandaged. She looked up at me, lust and fear mingling in her eyes.

“H-have you come to cut off more thigh meat?” she asked.

“Jesus,” I said.

“Seth, Destroyer of Girls” [FF, MF+, BD, Furry]

*Inspired by prompts [Now I am become Jeff, the destroyer of girls](https://old.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/cohzcn/wp_now_i_am_become_jeff_the_destroyer_of_girls/) and [Mermaids reproduce by seducing human women and turning them into their own; a girl has an encounter with one who intends to do just that to her… and more.](https://old.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/co94ae/wp_mermaids_reproduce_by_seducing_human_women_and/) Commissions open!*


“Aminata?” I said. “Are you there?”

“Yph? Whuph ifph iph mmafftur?”

“What?” I said. “Aminata, visual display.”

The AI was suddenly beside me, appearing as a tall, curvy black girl. She wasn’t actually beside me but the augmented-reality overlay was so good it was hard to tell. From the way she cast a shadow on the beach to the way the surf washed around her ankles she seemed real enough to touch. She stood there, swaying slightly in strict bondage.

“Aminata, take that off,” I said.

“Awke whuphh ophh?” she asked, her eyes all innocent.

“The ball gag,” I said.

“Sorry,” she said, stretching her jaw. “You wanted something, master?”

“I want to know where we are. For that matter, what is this place?”

“The Resistance” [Script offer, Hypnosis, Slavery, Caution, Interr, M-solo, Humil, Anal, Fdom, JOI, Bd, Ds, MF, Nc, Sm]

*This is a sequel to [“The Hive”](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/6ksskz/the_hive_any_gender_script_offer_hypnosis/), which Mistress Shibby was kind enough to do a [recording](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShibbySays/comments/75ixs7/f4a_the_hive_hypnosisbrainwashingslavedronehard/) of. Please let me know if you’re interested in commissioning work from me.*


Good evening, Subject 19. Welcome back to the Project. We’re a little short on time, so hurry up and get undressed. Tonight is going to be more than a simple scouting mission. You’ll be making contact with the local resistance. Risky, I know, but High Command has decided that you’re ready.

Are you naked? Good. Lie back and listen to my voice. I’ll count to ten and you’ll feel yourself floating.




You feel the tension leaving your arms and legs.





Relaxation pours into you with every inward breath.




You feel yourself floating, like you’re ever-so-slightly disconnected from your body. Very good. Now I want you to focus on the sound of my voice. Let it take you away, away from your life in this reality. Follow it to another world, one not so dissimilar from the world you know. But with an important difference.