[M]y [F]irst ti[M] was a threesome.

Hi reddit, I’ve been a long time lurker of Gonewildstories and since I had a little extra time I thought I would post the story of my first time having sex. This happened a little less than 2 years ago and this is my first time posting anything like this so any comments/critiques are more than welcome. Grammar is not my strong suit so I’m apologizing right away if I miss anything after posting. I’ll also be separating the different sections so those who want to dive right in can.

Back Story/Intro

It's hard to really start at one specific place for my story so I'll introduce myself and the people involved so there won't be any confusion later on. The names of those involved have been changed and this is my alternate account so as not to attract the attentions of my friends who browse reddit. To describe myself I’d say I’m a rather average height standing at 6’0” tall and a rather husky fellow. The two involved with this sexcapade were my friend Matt (22) and his hook up buddy Andrea (27). Matt is shorter than average standing around 5’4” to 5’7” but otherwise a rather average guy with a little bit of muscle. Andrea was a little bit taller than him but average height. She was very skinny but not too skinny, with B cup tits and a decent ass. There's a little bit of backstory so keep that in mind if you have stuck with me thus far.