The time my girlfriend and I had the hottest fucking sex of my entire life [M/F]

My girlfriend and I have amazing, amazing sex. I've been in shitty relationships before where our sex drives are really mismatched, and it sucks. I'm so glad I finally found someone who is as into sex as I am and wants to do it all the time. One night in particular sticks out as pretty much the best sex I've ever had (she thought the same thing) so I figured I'd tell you guys about it because I think you'll like it.

Anyway, it was a typical Friday night for us – we both work long hours during the week, so on Fridays we usually just stay in and hang out with the dog and catch up on TV shows from the week. Super exciting, I know. We hadn't had sex in about a week, and I hadn't jacked off in almost as much time, so I was pretty fucking horny. Anyway, we had each had a few beers and I grabbed my bong and we both smoked up and started talking about random stuff. Somehow we got onto the subject of sex, and I was trying to get her to tell me what her fantasies are. It's kinda strange with her – she has all these fantasies and dirty thoughts but she feels too shy to actually say them out loud. She says she "doesn't know what to say" to talk dirty. This is going to be an important plot point later on, so keep that in mind.