In the ce[M]etery at kni[F]etpoint. [CNC]

I pulled my car to the end of the gravel road and shut off the ignition. I clipped my keys to my belt and stepped out of the car, slowly walking around the back towards the passenger’s side. I opened the door and took the arm of my then-girlfriend.

I couldn’t tell if she was screaming, crying, or pleading for her life, as I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into the darkness of the woods.

“The duct tape held stronger than I thought it would,” I thought to myself. I was glad I’d used the little bit I had left over to tape her mouth shut. We were pretty secluded, but you never can know for sure.

We walked maybe 200 yards. To her it must have felt like miles. It was just above freezing and she was dressed for a night at the club. Her black dress was held up by thin black straps and barely covered her ass.

I pulled my knife from my pocket and cut a strap, nearly exposing her to both myself and the late autumn chill.