Accidentally starting an orgy with my coworkers [FM]

There were four of us that night. We hung out together a decent amount before then, so we knew each other well.

Sarah: our supervisor at work. She wasn’t a real manager, but she was in charge of the servers. She had gotten out of a relationship six months or so before and was flirting all the time. With everybody. She was blonde and an exercise freak, but had no tits (she always complained about it). So fun to be around and funny too. Blonde art hoe haircut and the makeup skillz to match.

Alan: he started the same time as me and loved to flirt, too. Most of the girls would talk about him but he had only hooked up with one coworker, a girl named Kay. Tall dark and handsome but kind of insufferable.

Lou: he started after me and Alan, so I guess he was on the bottom of the totem pole. Less handsome than Alan and he knew it. Not in bad shape but not in good shape either. He’d hit on everybody, and actually fucked a lot too because it was just that kind of workplace. But he was somebody who got more irritating the longer you knew him. At least he had freckles and nice hair. I got along well with him and he hit on me all the time.