Golden Birthday Anal [MF]

My birthday happens to fall sometime within January and it was time to celebrate my golden birthday. For those who don’t know, the golden birthday is when your birthday date matches your age.

After sorting through the usually happy birthday wishes on social media I saw my wife had sent me a DM (she leaves before I wake up) asking what I wanted to do after work. I shot her back a message stating that I would like to keep it low key with pizza and video games. She told me she would make that happen and she was excited to celebrate when we get home.

I was able to convince my boss to let me sneak out of the office a little early to beat the traffic and get home. I enjoyed beating the wife home and did the usual of walking the dog, putting away laundry, and cracking open a nice cold beer. The wife calls when she is about 30 mins out and tells me she is picking up the pizza and heading home. I start playing video games and hear her car pulling into the drive way. She greets me with a huge sexy smirk and says happy birthday. She gives me a quick kiss and runs into the kitchen.