[MF] Matching with my middle school best friend on Tinder (Update 3)

[[m/f] Matching with my middle school best friend on Tinder (Update 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4sy6bb/mf_matching_with_my_middle_school_best_friend_on/?st=j60t9zpx&sh=5d0b48fa)

First of all, I don’t want to hear it. I’m sorry I abandoned you, it *totally* won’t happen again. No, it probably will because your boy is busy nowadays like every other day. I guess this is more of an update post. Like what has happened over the past year. I had my birthday. Funny enough, none of you guys sent me birthday presents. So that was pretty much the worst day of my life. I was expecting at least 100 presents from you all. Too late now though, my birthday was months ago. I also moved to a different city because it is cheaper to get a huge house here than it is in like LA. I live in a suburb of a bigger city, though. I still have my hair bleached, but I dyed it because my brother got married and I didn’t want to have bleached hair in the pictures. Let’s see, what else do you want to know about me? I have lost more weight and have gotten more lean because I’ve been running more. I’m sort of lifting just to like keep my arms toned but lifting is boring to me. I don’t like being in the gym which is why I like running outside. I guess that’s it. Oh right, you probably want to hear about the other one. The girl who somehow weaseled her way back in my life.

[m/f] Matching with my middle school best friend on Tinder (Update 2)

[My first update](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4sa58i/mf_matching_with_my_middle_school_best_friend_on/?st=iqhuu4ii&sh=1771efff)

I’m sure you would like me to be more recent with the events, but that’s what happens when I put off posting the first part by like a week, and half a week passed by between the first part and the update.

This one is a little more deep. There’s things that I say that I’ve only told Heather. None of my friends really know about my family life. They just know that my dad is rich and know what my brothers look like. So, I’m sorry if there aren’t as many or not any jokes in this one. I know you guys like it, but they weren’t on my mind when I was writing this update because I started to think about the things I talked about in this.

[m/f] Matching with my middle school best friend on Tinder

I’ve had this sitting on my laptop for a week. Not really debating on posting it; I just haven’t gotten around to it until now. It’s pretty long too because I felt like you needed to hear all the backstory to appreciate it.

I was browsing Tinder like any other night, sitting on the toilet while swiping left and right. Then I saw an old friend that I haven’t seen since like 10th grade because she moved away with her dad while her mom stayed here. She would come back for Christmas and summer break, but I would always be gone with family.

I decided not to go with my family this summer. I’m 22 now, a real man. So I liked her, got off the toilet, and went to watch Bob’s Burgers. I was just waiting for one of my friends to text me to do something. Then I got a message on Tinder from the girl, Heather. “Hey handsome :)”

A little bit about me: My name is Chris, I’m 6’5, and I’m 195 lbs. I have brown hair that’s bleached, short on the sides, longer on top it goes past my eyes if I pull it down my face, but that’s usually loosely styled on top.