Our Sexual Past – The First Group Session

Disclaimer: All names of people have been changed to protect and respect the identity of those involved. Also, location will be vague, but generally correct. Oh and yes, this is all completely true… as best we can remember it. Yes, those are really pictures of us being naughty on our profile. Soooo, with that out of the way…

This is the story of the first time we had sex together with anyone else besides ourselves and we went big. I shit you not, you’d call us a liar but we went from showing titties and kissing girls at parties to a legit Las Vegas orgy. Read on to find out more!

Since this is our first post, it’s necessary for us to give y’all a little background on our relationship.

Kinky and I met because I was into her roommate Jessica (don’t worry this is all important, the roommate was involved actually). I know it’s a funny way to start such a fruitful relationship, but it’s true. I was 21 and fresh out of a broken marriage. I say marriage, but it was hardly that, I married my high school sweetheart because she wanted loans for college. Well, I think that is why she married me because she left me for one of my best friends after only three months of marriage. Doesn’t matter, she’s long gone, but this is for context people!