Hawaii hotness with [m]y (kind of) cousin [f]

*I’m on a trip in Hawaii right now, and all I can think about is what happened the last time I was here on a family vacation when I was 19. All the reminiscing inspired me to share this little story about me and my cousin.*

First, some background. I’ve always known my cousin (we’ll call her Sammy) is cute. Even before I knew what it was to be attracted to a girl, her freckles and tomboy attitude drove me crazy. And as we grew up, her just one year behind me in school and age, that feeling grew too. She changed from an adorable little redhead with a big gap between her front teeth to a total knockout by the time she graduated high school. And I was enamored the entire time. We didn’t see each other that often, so every time our family got together it seemed like she had developed some new enrapturing feature. Her braces came off and she had a beautiful, lily-white smile. Her bright red hair began taking all sorts of interesting and enticing shapes as she got involved in cosmetology. Her shirts started getting lower as she developed a pair of perfectly perky and squeezable boobs. And her jeans got tighter as her volleyball-playing butt got ever rounder and firmer.