This story takes place around October or November 2020. At the time, I was 23 and had recently started school in a new city. Cathy was 21 and lived with her parents in a small town about 45 min from my place.
Cathy and I had met on tinder a few weeks earlier. I was technically still “dating” my previous girlfriend when we had gone on our first few dates. Only later did I find out that Cathy knew about this the entire time. But that’s another story.
Anyways, we had been seeing each other for about 3 weeks. Maybe 3 or 4 dates. We had intense chemistry right off the bat. Both emotionally and sexually. She was your sterotypical big tiddy goth gf. 5’6 with beautiful features, subtle but sexy makeup, and dyed reddish/pink hair. She was very submissive and into a lot of kink activities which was totally new to me. We had already shared plenty of nudes.