Before the Night Ends Part 2 (MF, MMF, Noncon, Dubcon, Impregnation, Erotic Horror)

As she finished talking, she undid the front clasp of her bra and shrugged it off, now entirely naked and struck a pose, squeezing her tits together lewdly. “Don’t you, like what you see,” she asked suggestively.

Henry tore his yes from the windows and focused again on Etta. How had he ever managed to take his eyes off her in the first place? Etta was the very definition of beauty: dark hair contrasting her pale skin, and ample breasts complimenting the flare of her hips without looking comical. She was a porn model, a wet dream come to life.

Only, that didn’t seem quite right.

Had she always looked this good? Henry flashed back to when he had first saw her across the room an hour ago – hadn’t her eyes drawn him to Etta then, and not her pouty, fuckable lips? Could her dark blouse really have concealed amazing tits this big? Surely he would have noticed those when they had met. He struggled to remember through the fog of lust. No, her tit’s must have always looked like that, he reasoned. Something like that couldn’t just change, could it? Still, doubt lingered in the back of his mind though as he continued to stare: if she had always looked this good, why was she with him? Why would she have showed up alone to the showing in the first place, and why would she have wandered into a broom closet with him?

Before the Night Ends Part 1 (MF, MMF, Noncon, Dubcon, Impregnation, Erotic Horror)

Henry sighed heavily and let the fake smile he had been maintaining for the last twenty minutes slip as he walked away from the conversation to get another drink for him and his girlfriend. This was going to be a long night.

The last person that Henry expected they would meet at the gallery opening was Rick. That wasn’t quite true, he corrected himself as he crossed the crowded room, avoiding the dense knots of people spread through the room. The last person he hoped that he and Becky would run into at the gallery opening – or ever – was her ex, Rick, but Henry had to admit that this event was really more Rick’s speed than it was his.

In a city the size of Philadelphia the odds of meeting any particular person were low enough, but as Henry struggled through the dense crowd around the bar, he figured that a place like this was one of the more likely venues to meet men that were Becky’s usual type: pretentious and unable to hold a real job. That description actually suited this building pretty well too: a warehouse stranded too near downtown as the tide of industry receded leaving it to get a cheap facelift a serve as a venue for aspiring social climbers to gather, rather than a place for the holding and shipping of goods it was originally intended to be. Tonight, it was a gala art exhibition on both floors, though most people were on the ground floor. Not because the art was any better – but because it was closer to the booze, he reasoned.

Stealing Him Back (MF, reverse rape, bondage, trickery, impregnation)

This story is based on a few requests for a reverse rape with an emphasis (for me) on improving dialogue. It’s fairly short and intense, and could have used a bit more time for character development – but you can only do so much in 4500 words. Feedback for this story and requests for future themes are always welcome.


“Fuck everything,” Sylvia growled to herself, as she sighed heavily as she hung up the phone.

Moments ago, it had been all I love you’s and I miss you’s as she chatted with her boyfriend Andy, but now that he was gone, she let the frustration wash over her. They had been planning their matching costumes since August, and now just because her mom had tested positive for covid, she was quarantined until Monday and she was going to miss Halloween. Sure, he’d promised they could both get dressed up next week and take cute pictures – him as the Joker and Her as Batwoman, but it just wasn’t the same. They’d planned to go to a couple different parties together before finally going back to Andy’s place for their own private party, complete with all the toys on her little utility belt… and now it was all ruined. The whole holiday had been a nightmare honestly, and now with it being basically canceled for her, she didn’t see how it could get much worse.