Vacation with a Bachelor Party in the Woods [Mmf, exh, Mdom, oral, reluc] Written from female POV, half-true

Just this past weekend I went to this wilderness resort with my parents and some other family members, and this one night a couple of us went out to the pavilion where all the young people drink and party. So at one point when everyone was good and drunk, there was this bald guy on the deck wearing a bikini top with maple leaves on it, it turned out that he was one of the grooms from the bachelor parties that were going on that weekend. I don't really remember if I did anything to attract his attention, but he looked at me, smiled, walked past me and grabbed my ass, and he did this a couple of times throughout the night. Like, I was pretty drunk at that point so I didn't care, I was just like whatever and giggled or something.

Then later on I met back up with my dad, and a few guys from that bachelor party invited us to go back to their RV thing, I don't really know what it was, maybe it was a trailer. But my dad agreed because I think he wanted to get out of there anyway so I just went with them. The groom guy walked close past me again and grabbed my butt, like definitely flirting with me, and I liked the attention, a lot, so I didn’t say anything, didn’t care, whatever.