Vacation with a Bachelor Party in the Woods [Mmf, exh, Mdom, oral, reluc] Written from female POV, half-true

Just this past weekend I went to this wilderness resort with my parents and some other family members, and this one night a couple of us went out to the pavilion where all the young people drink and party. So at one point when everyone was good and drunk, there was this bald guy on the deck wearing a bikini top with maple leaves on it, it turned out that he was one of the grooms from the bachelor parties that were going on that weekend. I don't really remember if I did anything to attract his attention, but he looked at me, smiled, walked past me and grabbed my ass, and he did this a couple of times throughout the night. Like, I was pretty drunk at that point so I didn't care, I was just like whatever and giggled or something.

Then later on I met back up with my dad, and a few guys from that bachelor party invited us to go back to their RV thing, I don't really know what it was, maybe it was a trailer. But my dad agreed because I think he wanted to get out of there anyway so I just went with them. The groom guy walked close past me again and grabbed my butt, like definitely flirting with me, and I liked the attention, a lot, so I didn’t say anything, didn’t care, whatever.

So we go there, and at this point it's me, my dad, the groom, a married member of the bachelor party, and a younger, dark haired single guy from the bachelor party, too. We're at the RV, it's at this campground place so there are woods all around and a few small cabins. My dad's talking to the married guy, and I don't know, I must have been talking about stuff, I don't remember much in between walking from the pavilion and getting to the RV, but the groom, single friend and I started playing this weird fake version of "beer pong" on a cooler, with beer cans, no ball. It was also pretty dark because we were out of the light from the RV so we couldn't really see what we were doing anyway. I don't remember which one thought of it, I think it was the groom, but one of them would fake getting the "ball" in and make a click noise and said something like, "Oh, I got it in, now I get a kiss."

I'm pretty sure it was the groom who did it first because I remember kissing him really sloppily and saying something embarrassing like I haven't kissed anyone in over a year, but he said I was fine and pulled me closer and kissed me harder. Eventually the groom and I stopped making out and it was the other guy's turn, he got it "in," and said that now I had to kiss him, so I did. This went back and forth for a while, I actually joked once or twice that next it's their turn to kiss which they laughed off, but eventually I think they kind of gave up on the game and we just made out. I would go back and forth between them, kiss one for a bit and then switch to the other, but I eventually sort of settled on the groom because he was a lot more into it, more insistent.

So at this point I was kissing the groom and he was feeling me up, putting his hands inside my bra, squeezing my nipples. Next thing I knew the other guy was behind me, kissing my neck and holding my hips, grinding his crotch into my ass, I could feel he was hard, I love that. Meanwhile, the groom started guiding my hand lower towards his crotch and I started rubbing his hard on through his pants, but then he moved my hand again to slide it into his pants. I stroked his dick as best I could in the restrictive fabric, but I could still tell it was really getting him going, he was breathing heavily at that point and kept grabbing me closer to his body. I was barely even paying attention to the other guy until I felt his hand slip into my panties from behind and he started rubbing me, trying to finger me. I got really spooked because I remembered that my dad was pretty much right over there talking to the married guy, I guess he didn't notice what was going on because he was pretty drunk, too, and busy with other stuff.

I told the two guys I couldn't, my dad was right there, so they said we could go deeper into the woods and led me further away from the RV. I went with them for a bit, but then I ran away into the woods and hid between some cabins because, honestly, I was a little scared and I didn't want my dad to worry about me, or worse, find me having some porno-style threesome with a guy that's soon to be married and one of his friends. So I waited a bit until I was sure I couldn’t hear them anymore and made my way back to the RV where my dad and the married friend were still talking, and I told my dad that we should probably leave. He asked why, I just kind of insisted that we go home, so we left, I told the married guy that his friends might be somewhere in the woods.

I was actually mostly afraid that I had embarrassed myself in front of them, overreacted, missed out on an awesome opportunity, ruined some poor guy’s night, and I just left, I felt like I couldn’t face them, they probably thought I was a crazy bitch anyway for running into the woods. But there were also a lot of situations that I've gone over in my head that could have happened that really make me regret leaving that night. Let’s pretend I didn't run away.

They led me further into the woods and stopped when we were just out of sight of the RV. The single guy had brought some beer with him and offered a can to me, to which I of course said yes, but then he said that if he did give it to me then I would owe him a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him, and I felt one of his hands sliding up my dress to my back, fiddling at my bra, and then I felt his other hand, cold from the beer, come up, too, and finally unhook it. I pulled away to get the straps off and saw the groom off to the side, watching and drinking a beer, but then the younger guy pulled me back to him for another long, deep kiss.

He squeezed my thinly clothed breasts and rubbed my nipples with his thumbs, and he must have noticed my nipple piercings because he have one of them a little tug which made me release a slightly high pitched moan. With his other hand he reached back down underneath my dress and started rubbing my clit through my panties. I was so wet and horny from before that at this point all I could do was moan against his mouth and say please, then I felt his finger slip inside of me. A second one soon followed and I was jerking my hips in response to the movements of his fingers inside my pussy. I frantically started to feel for the zipper of his pants, trying to get them undone. I could feel the throbbing heat from his hard on against my thigh, but I think that the groom got jealous because he put his hand on my shoulder, surprising me out of my lust driven state, and told me that I really earned that beer and handed me a cold one. I took in a shaky breath and tried to slow my hot, ragged breathing, then took a long chug from the can.

As soon at the can left my lips, the groom took the back of my neck and forced his mouth against mine, then walked me backwards until my back was pushed against the hard bark of a tree. He pulled my panties down and started fingering me, faster and harder than the first guy. All I could do was run my fingers up his bare back and kiss him harder to try and keep the back of my head from grinding into the tree trunk. With his other hand he undid his pants and took his dick out, removing his fingers from my pussy only to replace them with his rock hard cock. I broke away from the kiss to let out a harsh moan and wrapped one of my legs around his hips to try and get him deeper inside me, holding onto him as I were afraid he would stop.

I felt his heavy panting against my shoulder, each thrust accompanied by a grunt. I opened my eyes and saw the guy's friend sitting down, having a beer, and casually rubbing himself through his jeans. The groom picked up speed and I cried out, I was so close to cumming. He started rubbing my clit and that's when I lost it, everything was a blur and all I could think about was the hot throbbing cock burying itself inside my pussy, and I came, my body shivering and quaking, pussy tightening around his cock, and I heard him gasp, shoulders slightly shaking with his last deep thrusts into my pussy before finally stopping entirely and sliding out with a wet pop. We stood there panting, reveling in each other’s heat. He then gently cupped my cheek and gave me a tentative kiss on the lips, one that I returned just as delicately.

His friend then discreetly cleared his throat and waved a beer at me with a playful smile, one that I returned, and bounced over to the beer I had started prior to … that event. After finishing my drink, I looked down and saw that the friend was still quite noticeably hard, and when I looked up I knew that he had also seen me looking at the hard on still restricted by his pants. Still sitting on the ground, he pulled me down so that I was straddling his hips, my naked pussy pressed against the hot bulge in his jeans. Looking into my eyes, he began to rock me back and forth over his covered dick, grinding me into the slowly moistening fabric. I reached down and unzipped his pants so that the only thing covering his throbbing member was the thin material of his briefs. I still wanted to play with him a bit so I continued to tease him by rubbing against his crotch and slowly kissing him, and each time he tried to grab my hips to speed me up I would pull away and put his hands down.

After I was good and happy with his obedience I pushed his shoulders so he was laying on the ground with me straddling him. I then worked my way down his body until my face was hovering over his poor, restrained cock, and I finally pulled down his briefs, exposing it to the cool nigh air. I slowly took his member into my hand and rubbed my thumb underneath the head, my hot, moist tongue just barely flicking the tip. I watched his face twitch with anticipation, I was reveling in the amount of control I had over him and gave him a couple wet slurps before turning around and mounting him, reverse cowgirl. He slid in a lot easier than the last guy, most likely due to the beating my pussy had gotten earlier, but I could still feel every throb of his over-teased cock deep inside me. His hands groped and squeezed at my ass, urging me to speed up, to let him cum, but I was having too much fun to give in just yet.

The groom then came around from somewhere behind me, holding a beer, saying I could have some if I sped it up a bit, he wanted another turn, too, plus he'd give me the rest of his beer if I put on a little show for him. I let his friend take my hips and move them however he liked, faster and more up and down than what I had been doing before, but the groom said I still hadn't put on enough of a show to get the beer. I slowly lifted up my dress, exposing my entire body so he could see everything. I then grabbed my breasts and began playing with my nipples, not looking away from him, and softly moaning in time with his friend's cock sliding in and out of my pussy. The groom sipped at the beer again and have me a little smile, encouraging me to keep going. I slid one of my hands down my body towards my clit and slowly began rubbing it, my moans getting louder as I increased the speed. I started sucking on the fingers of my other hand, not breaking eye contact with the man watching me get fucked by his friend, watching him get more worked up, more turned on with every moan that came out of my mouth.

He finally walked over and told me to open my mouth, slowly tilting the can of beer into it which I happily lapped up, and I gave him a delighted smile, opening my mouth again for more. He said to himself, "Fuck it," and before I could say anything he had the back of my head in his hand and his dick in my mouth. It took me a second to adjust, but then I was bouncing along on his friend's cock while I sucked on his dick. Suddenly his friend started speeding up and panting, frantically slamming my hips down on his cock and causing me to lose my hold on the groom's dick in my mouth. I could only hold onto his hip with one hand while I rubbed my clit with the other, trying to catch up and cum with him, but I already felt his warmth spreading inside me and his strokes begin to slow. I got off of him and stood up, cum dripping from between my legs, and watched the last twitches of his orgasm slow and finally stop, him blearily sitting up as if waking from a dream.

The groom grabbed me from behind, his still-hard cock pressed against my ass, saying that he still wasn’t finished yet. He slid his hand down my belly and between my legs, making small circles over my clit. I leaned back into him and tried to turn around, but he held me close to his body and continued to tease my clit in front of his recovering friend. He began kissing and sucking on my neck and shoulders while fondling my breast with his other hand, still just teasing my clit until I started grinding my ass into his crotch. He moved his first hand down lower and started fingering me, moving his other hand higher and told me to suck on his fingers, which I eagerly did.

Over my moans I heard him telling me to get on my knees and bend over which, to my dismay, involved him removing his fingers, but they were soon replaced by his cock, teasing the entrance of my pussy. He then entered me from behind with a wet slap, grabbing my hips and pulling me onto him, forcing himself deeper into me with each thrust. I lost track of time, only thinking about the harsh rhythm of his cock sliding in and out of my pussy, trying to grind back against him, wanting to feel more of him inside of me. Out of nowhere another orgasm rolled over me, leaving me panting and begging for more, on my knees, face down, ass up. The groom sped up, riding out my orgasm, silently granting my plea with a furious torrent of thrusts.

The other guy’s shoes appeared in front of my face, and when I looked up he smiled at me and said it was his turn for a "kiss," gesturing towards his crotch. I got up as best as I could to get to the front of his jeans where I sloppily undid the zipper and pulled his cock out, eagerly sucking and slurping at it, holding onto his hips for support. I came again from the groom behind me, I couldn't even think about anything anymore except for the cock I was sucking on and the one that was fucking me. I felt the groom pull out and I turned around, about to ask why he stopped, and I was greeted with another dick in my face which I happily took into my mouth, one of my hands still wrapped around the other guy's cock. I fell into a rhythm of jerking off one guy and blowing the other, switching when I felt a hand on the back of my head, urging me to suck on his cock next, letting me know when it's his "turn." The groom came first, just as I was pulling off of his dick. I tried to catch as much of his cum in my mouth as I could, but a lot of it falling on my chest, then I milked his cock with my hand and licked up the last drops of cum from the tip. I then focused on his friend, working his shaft with one hand and focusing on the head of his cock with my mouth. He came soon after, thrusting his cock deep inside my mouth, some cum dripping out, but I managed to catch and swallow most of it.

I knelt there, trying to wipe their cum off of my face and chest, mostly unsuccessfully, but hopefully making myself look presentable enough to walk back to the RV. The groom had found some of my clothes and some more beer while I was finishing off his friend, my panties "mysteriously" went missing, but I eventually got them back from him after some playful touching, not that it would have mattered if I had my panties anyway with the mess of all of our combined cum coating my pussy and the inside of my thighs, quickly drying and getting sticky since the conclusion of our activities. We made our way back to the RV, my dad already gone and the married guy sleeping, and they let me use their washroom to clean myself off a bit more before returning to my family's cabin, where I also rinsed my mouth out with more beer for good measure.

They invited me to stay in their RV for the night, the groom offering up his bunk and giving my butt another squeeze, nuzzling my ear and giving me playful little kisses on my neck. I said I had to go, I really couldn't be out all night, so I stepped outside with the groom right behind me when he pushed me against the outside wall of the RV and slipped his fingers inside my pussy again, making me gasp and grind against his hand, and then he began kissing me aggressively and asking between breaths if I was sure I wanted to go. Each time I playfully said no he would finger me more insistently, he would go even deeper, and then when I was close to cumming I just kept repeating no faster and faster until I was panting and holding him so tightly my nails dug into his back. He kissed me as I rode out my orgasm, one of my thighs grinding into his crotch, against the hard on I could feel through his pants again. I reached down to stroke him as we kissed, but then I said I had to go, for real, so he gave my ass a little slap and sent me on my way. I got back into the cabin without waking anybody, and when I woke up the next morning and my parents asked where I had gone off to, I just told them I had found another party that night.
