Rock Climbing, MF

“Put your right foot, up high… yeah.. push!”

James was telling Marie where to put her foot, not for the best climbing position, but where he would get a much better look at her ass in the harness.

Marie grunted, and pushed with all the might in her right leg, getting up and over the climbing hold. She looked down to James.

“Was that really the best way to do that?”

“Looked the best from down here” James smirked, winking at her.

“Asshole” Marie laughed back, and launched herself from the climbing wall, taking James by surprise and launching him into the climbing wall himself. Re composing himself, James not so gently lowered Marie to the ground, dropping her the last couple of feet.

“Your turn now” Marie said to him, untying the knot in the rope that secured to her harness, and dropping the end against the wall. James unclipped the caribena from his own harness, pulling the rope out and dropping it to the wall the same.

“I want a drink first.” James said as he moved off, towards the vending machine that the climbing centre usually forgot to keep topped up.