[MF] Christmas Party

You can see my previous post for context, although not much is really needed.

After our initial encounter, Jamie and I decided that the office did not need to know about what had previously happened between us.  While no rules were broken, it would not have neccessarily been great for either of our carreers.  From then on the flirtation we had around the office continued and was actually even more intense.  The thought of knowing that the other person was ready to ravage you if given the opportunity made the distance we kept all the more tantalizing.  There were a few moments when we would be the only people in the break room and we’d use the opportunity for some light touching or whispering in the other’s ear. 

This continued for the next few months.  We texted now and then but tried to refrain as best we could.  The first week of December rolls around and it’s time for our Christmas party.  Normally our CEO books a reception hall for the party but this year was different.  Our company had just aquired a large commercial building that had been for sale due to it’s need for renovation.  The third floor of this building was to be rented out to other companies while the first two were to be used by us.  The party was being thrown in the new building so that everyone could see it and celebrate the growth of the company.

[MF] Coworker ride home. (First post)

When I started my new job as a single 27 year old, finding romance in the workplace was the furthest thing on my mind. My entry level position at an insurance company placed me in the center of a room full of cubicles populated mostly by women. Most are well above my age demographic and the few that could present possibilities were married.

After a few months I found myself in a budding new relationship with Natalie who I met at a friend’s wedding. What she didn’t know was I had been, not so innocently, flirting with a married coworker named Jamie. Jamie was a sweet, innocent, and beautiful 24 year old that had been married since she was 19. At 6′ 1″ I rarely went for girls on the shorter side, but Jamie became my addiction. She was 5 feet and 1 inch of pure sex appeal. Her curly dark blonde hair bounced as she walked. I could tell that both of our faces would light up when we saw each other.