Indulging desire [MF] [Mild Domination]

I wanted to fuck him since i first saw him. Of course him being a co-worker made that both better and worse. Over time we began to flirt a little, testing the waters. It started as it always does with innuendos and sexual suggestions that were half played off.

This led to us talking more, and learning that we were surprisingly sexually compatible, him enjoying domination, and me getting off on being dominated. We started getting more explicit, but both of us backed off knowing we didn’t want to risk our jobs. However we started getting more personal at work, always finding ways to touch anyway we could, while seeming as innocent as we could.

This all changed one day where both of us were pissed off at some stuff going on at work. He had asked me to do something and i had snapped back that i wouldn’t. He immediately stepped towards me and in a low voice told me that i better do as he fucking said, and that he hadn’t asked for my opinion on the matter.