Four years ago my wife found out she had cancer. She’s fine. But during that summer she was getting chemotherapy and was absolutely exhausted and just felt like garbage.
It was hard for me to deal with, especially the added stress with the lack of sex. I was a mess taking care of her and worrying about her. She knew it and a few times during chemo she made me know how much she appreciated it.
I want to write about this before I begin to forget about it.
The chemo room was a series of about a dozen chairs in a semi circle, all with machines hooked up to them. It was a pretty shitty room to be in filled with people in shitty situations.
The chemo drug had to be kept cooled in a fridge right until it was hooked up to the IV. To offset this they had a heated box filled with soft, warm blankets.
I went with her for every chemp, each time it took anywhere from 6-10 hours and she couldn’t move much. I would bring her food and keep her company.