The Elf Wife: Hot Springs Seduction [M/F, fantasy, oral, handjob, masturbation, voyeur, cum marking]

Two dark eyes peered out from the top of the rocky outcropping. The small creature canted its beaked head curiously at the naked human soaking in the steamy water, unsure of what to make of the stranger.

Tobias of Winterbourne had never seen the cat-sized creature’s like. As the animal crawled cautiously into view, Tobias could see that it possessed an angular avian head with piercing eyes. Its forelimbs functioned like legs, but supported a folding membrane that stretched back along its sinuous body. Some sort of wings? Its small, sleek feathers ranged in color from brownish black on its dorsal side to tan to nearly white on its stomach.

“Hello there, fellow,” he said with an affable smile. The creature didn’t appear hostile, and Tobias was put more at ease upon seeing a finely-wrought silver collar about its neck. Some nobleman’s pet, apparently. “I’m not invading your territory, am I?”

The beast squawked guardedly.

“Or are you after some of this?” The human reached behind him for a handful of butter biscuits from his small pack. He broke off a sizable piece and tossed it to his visitor.

The Elf Wife: Hot Springs Seduction [M/F, fantasy, oral, handjob, masturbation, voyeur, cum marking]

Two dark eyes peered out from the top of the rocky outcropping. The small creature canted its beaked head curiously at the naked human soaking in the steamy water, unsure of what to make of the stranger.

Tobias of Winterbourne had never seen the cat-sized creature’s like. As the animal crawled cautiously into view, Tobias could see that it possessed an angular avian head with piercing eyes. Its forelimbs functioned like legs, but supported a folding membrane that stretched back along its sinuous body. Some sort of wings? Its small, sleek feathers ranged in color from brownish black on its dorsal side to tan to nearly white on its stomach.

“Hello there, fellow,” he said with an affable smile. The creature didn’t appear hostile, and Tobias was put more at ease upon seeing a finely-wrought silver collar about its neck. Some nobleman’s pet, apparently. “I’m not invading your territory, am I?”

The beast squawked guardedly.

“Or are you after some of this?” The human reached behind him for a handful of butter biscuits from his small pack. He broke off a sizable piece and tossed it to his visitor.

The Mad King’s Road: A Sexy Show For The Envoy [M/F, fantasy, oral, vaginal, voyeur, exhibitionism, romance]

THE STORY SO FAR: The busty young Dwarven woman Brunhilde and her new human husband Mathir have spent the better part of a year traveling by caravan from the Southern Continent to the North. Along the way, they befriend a handsome diplomat from the Kingdom of Raelen named Tobias.

– – –

All twenty-two wagons with their seventy passengers, drivers, traders, and families, plus the twenty outriding guards and seventeen free riders attached to Ruckus’s Caravan, set out on the Mad King’s Road shortly after mid-morning. A drizzling rain started shortly afterward, following them along the broad stone-paved road for hours.

The Mad King’s Road was the longest, most durable, and most advanced road in all the known worlds. Legend had it that over eight hundred years before one of the first emperors of the Darlani Empire, Lantis II, ordered it to stretch from his capital city of Algren in the west to the port city of Havenmoor on the east coast, almost a continent’s span away. Then, becoming obsessed to the point of madness, he ordered the road extended south as well from Havenmoor, his vast army pushing forward to conquer and hold many strange lands in an ever thinning corridor so the road could be built. Lantis II spent ever increasing amounts of treasure and manpower on the road, thinking it would bring him some kind of immortality. But as he became older and his grip on the throne weakened, the construction of the road broke his kingdom’s coffers and the Darlani Empire fell into a savage civil war that lasted decades.

The Mad King’s Road: A Sexy Show For The Envoy [M/F, fantasy, oral, vaginal, voyeur, exhibitionism, romance]

THE STORY SO FAR: The busty young Dwarven woman Brunhilde and her new human husband Mathir have spent the better part of a year traveling by caravan from the Southern Continent to the North. Along the way, they befriend a handsome diplomat from the Kingdom of Raelen, named Tobias.


All twenty-two wagons with their seventy passengers, drivers, traders, and families, plus the twenty outriding guards and seventeen free riders attached to Ruckus’s Caravan, set out on the Mad King’s Road shortly after mid-morning. A drizzling rain started shortly afterward, following them along the broad stone-paved road for hours.

The Mad King’s Road was the longest, most durable, and most advanced road in all the known worlds. Legend had it that over eight hundred years before one of the first emperors of the Darlani Empire, Lantis II, ordered it to stretch from his capital city of Algren in the west to the port city of Havenmoor on the east coast, almost a continent’s span away. Then, becoming obsessed to the point of madness, he ordered the road extended south as well from Havenmoor, his vast army pushing forward to conquer and hold many strange lands in an ever thinning corridor so the road could be built. Lantis II spent ever increasing amounts of treasure and manpower on the road, thinking it would bring him some kind of immortality. But as he became older and his grip on the throne weakened, the construction of the road broke his kingdom’s coffers and the Darlani Empire fell into a savage civil war that lasted decades.

The Cleric’s Farewell: Rutting The High Priestess [MF, fantasy, oral, vaginal, cuckold, romance]

THE STORY: Tobias of Winterbourne, a diplomat for the king of Raelen, is about to leave on a years-long journey. His mistress, the exotic and voluptuous nature priestess Theodora, wants one last illicit encounter…

The priestess waited under the tallest oak in the temple gardens, her form painted azure and silver in the bright moonlight. She leaned against the immense tree, her order’s casual white and violet robes hiding very little of her generous curves. She wore her dark hair back in twin braids.

Idly looking up at the stars, she felt her heart flutter with excited anticipation. She wondered if her good-bye to Tobias tonight would be everything the both of them hoped it would be.

“Theodora,” a familiar voice called to her quietly.

“Tobias,” she greeted him as he walked up to her. He was tall with a trim build, sporting closely-cropped hair and a neatly-cut, finger-thin beard accentuating his dignified jaw. She looked about to make sure they were alone, then met his hazel eyes with a mischievous smile. “I bring you blessings from the Nature Goddess.”

He matched her smile, already having a strong suspicion of what those ‘blessings’ would be. “Oh?”

The Cleric’s Farewell: Rutting The High Priestess [MF, fantasy, oral, vaginal, cuckold, romance]

THE STORY: Tobias of Winterbourne, a diplomat for the king of Raelen, is about to leave on a years-long journey. His mistress, the exotic and voluptuous nature priestess Theodora, wants one last illicit encounter…

The priestess waited under the tallest oak in the temple gardens, her form painted azure and silver in the bright moonlight. She leaned against the immense tree, her order’s casual white and violet robes hiding very little of her generous curves. She wore her dark hair back in twin braids.

Idly looking up at the stars, she felt her heart flutter with excited anticipation. She wondered if her good-bye to Tobias tonight would be everything the both of them hoped it would be.

“Theodora,” a familiar voice called to her quietly.

“Tobias,” she greeted him as he walked up to her. He was tall with a trim build, sporting closely-cropped hair and a neatly-cut, finger-thin beard accentuating his dignified jaw. She looked about to make sure they were alone, then met his hazel eyes with a mischievous smile. “I bring you blessings from the Nature Goddess.”

He matched her smile, already having a strong suspicion of what those ‘blessings’ would be. “Oh?”

The Virgin Orc’s First Kiss: Spying on human/orc sex [fantasy, mf, oral, vaginal, voyeur, masturbation]

Obsidian returned to the newly-discovered pool on her own the next day, intent on luxuriating in the waters once again. Her Orc doctrine of embracing adversity did allow for occasional harmless indulgences. One vice she had really enjoyed back in Zhaka was frequent baths, and if she could recreate that at least in part here, she intended to.

She had left Glaive and Ishen back at the camp, while she took a circuitous route to check the snares she had set up. She wanted to see what, if any, creatures this island held besides snakes and birds. Nothing had turned up yet, but that might change as time went on. Catching a migrating wyvern or a turtle could make for a tasty meal.

She was just making her way to the pool when the soft sounds of giggling made her pause. Glaive?

It was joined by a more masculine laugh. Ishen as well. Obsidian held still, listening. The two must have snuck off here as soon as she left camp to have some illicit fun. The warrior reasoned she should turn around and head back to give them privacy. Yet she hesitated as their laughter resounded, along with splashing. Glaive’s embrace and nibbling of her neck the day before was still fresh in her mind, and made her heart quicken every time she thought of it.

The Lusty Apprentice: Relieving Her Transsexual Friend (fantasy, shemale/female, masturbation, first time, handjob, facial, cum marking)

(Excerpted from the ebook *The Lusty Apprentice.* The story thus far: Two young female wizard apprentices are transformed into anthro forms as part of their training, with Estrelle taking on some unicorn aspects and Maiya feline ones. An inadvertent conversation with a mischievous sprite also causes Estrelle to abruptly shift genders.)

– – –

Estrelle yeeked and tried to cover her new organ as best she could with her hands. “M-Maiya! Don’t look!”

The nineteen-year-old catgirl smiled nervously. “Kind of too late for that, I think.” She walked into the room, wearing a spare shift grabbed hastily from their quarters. “I thought you were kind of acting strange back at the spring. Now I know why.”

“I.. I just…” Tears brimmed, then spilled over onto fuzzy cheeks.

Maiya looked alarmed, walking up to her friend and laying a hand gently on the pretty unicorn woman’s arm. “Oh! Hey, I didn’t mean anything by that. I’m sorry. Let me help.”

“I’m just so humiliated! This is all my fault.”

“How can you say that? Obviously Windsong did this, right? And what happened to you would be a lot harder to deal with than my enchanted clothing.”

The War Dragon’s Mate: Marking His Human Female [MF, fantasy, monster, oral, titfucking, romance]

They pair decided to take sex in stages, depending on Holly’s comfort level. Before he left later that day, Holly used her hands to ‘relieve’ him again while he rubbed her through her panties to a pair of extremely intense orgasms. She had stripped down no further than her underwear to ensure they wouldn’t be too tempted to get even naughtier.

Two days later they repeated their fun when they saw each other to have Riven sign some papers, then again that weekend. Holly could tell just by how his body tensed under her fingers as she played how much he wanted to do more, so she suggested they make a game out of it. Every time Riven won a bout or achieved a significant goal in his training, they could try something new. By the end of the second week, after he won his next fight easily, he asked that she be fully naked around him while they had their ‘fun.’

They were at his apartment, which had miraculously been cleaned up and much better organized since in the weeks since Holly had first visited. They had just finished eating, with Princess at their feet meowing for the scraps of the two whole roasted chickens Riven had gobbled down.

The Virgin Orc’s First Kiss: Spying on human/orc sex [fantasy, mf, oral, vaginal, voyeur, masturbation]

Obsidian returned to the newly-discovered pool on her own the next day, intent on luxuriating in the waters once again. Her Orc doctrine of embracing adversity did allow for occasional harmless indulgences. One vice she had really enjoyed back in Zhaka was frequent baths, and if she could recreate that at least in part here, she intended to.

She had left Glaive and Ishen back at the camp, while she took a circuitous route to check the snares she had set up. She wanted to see what, if any, creatures this island held besides snakes and birds. Nothing had turned up yet, but that might change as time went on. Catching a migrating wyvern or a turtle could make for a tasty meal.

She was just making her way to the pool when the soft sounds of giggling made her pause. Glaive?

It was joined by a more masculine laugh. Ishen as well.
Obsidian held still, listening. The two must have snuck off here as soon as she left camp to have some illicit fun. The warrior reasoned she should turn around and head back to give them privacy.
Yet she hesitated as their laughter resounded, along with splashing. Glaive’s embrace and nibbling of her neck the day before was still fresh in her mind, and made her heart quicken every time she thought of it.