My ex-girlfriend fooled around with one of her exes right before we got together. (M/F)

Hello again, /r/gonewildstories!

You might remember the three stories I posted several months back, detailing mine and my ex-girlfriend's experiences. The three parts are here, here, and here, if you wish to refresh your memory or read them for the first time.

I talk to Em every now and then, because we're still friends, and in one of our recent conversations we talked about one of her ex-boyfriends before Will and me. If you'll recall, I mentioned that she didn't go very far with anyone other than us two. Apparently that wasn't 100% correct. Brian was the ex in question, and she dated him very briefly, only for about 3 months. I never met the guy, but I had seen him on Facebook before and he seemed like a nice enough person. That's the whole reason she was drawn to him, as a matter of fact. He wasn't the best looking guy; a bit overweight but not grossly, face was probably a 7/10. They met through friends in high school. He was the one who ended up breaking up with her, to get back with his ex (who probably put out, as opposed to Em). Anyway, onto the story.

About the time I had my girlfriend suck her ex’s dick, and more, while I watched. [Part 3] [M/F]

Hello readers! If you'd like to read the first two of my stories (I recommend it!), here are the links: (Part 1) (Part 2)

So, our insane, young-person levels of horniness were reignited after Em and Will's second (and far more intense) session. They had come so close to fucking that night that I knew she only needed the slightest push in the right direction to make her go for it next time. And I knew she wanted there to be a next time. We always talk about what happens after Will leaves, and when we got to the part where they were both naked, her on her back and him kneeling above her, her cheeks flushed. I asked her if she wanted him to fuck her, and she said that she almost did, but wasn't sure what I would think, and so in the last second changed her mind. Rather than immediately telling her that I wanted this to happen as well, I acted a bit unsure, but also made it seem like I could be convinced. I wanted her to think I needed convincing, because I wanted her to explain why it would be so awesome. Is that manipulative? Maybe, but it was harmless in the end. She told me that she probably wouldn't be able to stop next time, and that she would make sure I could see everything. After more convincing and a couple days of "sleeping on it", I gave her my approval. I told her, however, to not worry too much about me, and to just focus on herself. I did want her to have a good time, after all. My approval made her very excited (as well as turned on), as I expected. I liked that she was anxious for this to happen.

About the (other) time I had my girlfriend suck her ex’s dick…while I watched. [Part 2] [M/F]

Hello again! This is the second installment of my voyeuristic adventures. If you've not read my first post from a couple days ago, here it is:

Let me give you a little more in-depth description of Emily. You know those super hot blonde Christian girls who are very uptight, conservative, daddy's girls, what-have-you? They're extremely attractive and they know it? Emily looks like one of them, yet lacks their personality characteristics. Aside from her innocent exterior. It might also help if I describe Will; he was taller than her but shorter than me, probably 5'10" to 5'11", used to swim in high school and was lean but not skinny, and had a tattoo on his chest as well as some forearm ones. Em said he didn't have the forearm tattoos in high school. I guess he was conventionally attractive, but nothing special. For a couple weeks following her encounter with Will, she and I fucked like rabbits because the memory got us both off. Fortunately for me she was on birth control, so we never felt the need to use condoms. I think she had an IUD (almost typed IED). Those things must be strong, because the inside of her vagina was absolutely coated with my cum on an almost daily basis. One day I had her put on gravity boots to hang upside down with and we tried 69ing in that position; it was fun, but not really practical. The blood rushed to her head much quicker than it did mine and made her dizzy. Another time I hid in the closet once again (I made it more comfortable for my second stay) while she masturbated on her bed, acting as if she were unaware that I was there. Surprisingly, that really did it for me as well. I think she and I put more mental effort into our sexual escapade ideas than we did into school, and during the summer, we were free to act out whatever fantasies we conjured up.

About the time I had my ex-girlfriend suck her ex’s dick…while I watched. (M/F)

Have you ever been so turned on that you feel shaky? Maybe that only happens to me. Anyway, that's how I feel when I remember this happening. And recollecting everything to write this has magnified the feeling 10x. To start with, this happened about a year ago, with my ex-girlfriend, her ex-boyfriend, and me. I was 20 at the time, my ex was 21, and her ex was…I guess 21 also? I don't remember. To avoid pronoun confusion, she'll be called Emily (not her real name) and her ex will be called Will (also fake). My name isn't relevant because I'm actually not involved in this story at all, except as a voyeur.

Emily and I had been dating for a year and a half; we met in college at the rock climbing wall they have at our school. Oh, I'd better give you a description of her: she's short, around 5'6", has A cup breasts, dirty blonde hair she usually wears in a loose ponytail, and is generally very petite (she ran track in high school) everywhere other than her ass. Her ass was amazing, perfectly round, and it filled up yoga pants and those sweatpant type shorts like they were painted on. Most people would call her cute rather than hot. Those people don't know her like I do, but I digress.