
Let me know your thoughts.

I know the grammar is bad, but I urge you to look past it.



Jamie: The tables feel’s cold, against my cheek, and the rope is biting into my wrists and ankles. My shoulders and glutes are going numb, and I am dying with the anticipation, I cannot hold it in any longer. This is literally pushing the surprise a bit too far. I wish I could at least peak at what is happening than just feeling cold, tied to this table half bent over it and spread like a starfish.

Jamie: Why am I feeling wet near my ass hole, is that lube?

Jamie: I wish, whatever happens I would be able to walk okay after a few hours. Last time I was unable to walk without groaning for 3 days and was feeling pain all the week, whenever I sit.

Jamie: Oh God, No. Oh, God No. Oh, God No. This isn’t going to end well for me.

Jamie: Fuuuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk….. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssss Nooooooooooooo. *Yelling at the top of his lungs*