How my roommate gave me my [FF]irst orgasm

Hello everyone. If you read my previous posts, “Fucking my best friend (1-7)” you’ll remember that I, Nate, ended up with a girl named Kim who I love very much. She was really happy for me that I was able to get that story off my chest and we both appreciated the kind words from all of you in the comments and messages!

We also received a few messages that were, less wholesome…

Notably, to the couple that sent us a video of them masturbating each other while reading my story out loud… well… Kim and I fucked like animals watching that, so thank you ;)

These… less wholesome messages… inspired Kim to orate a few of her stories to me that she wanted to share. Unlike “Fucking my best friend” this story and any future stories are not for catharsis, but just a recounting of what Kim thinks about when fingering herself. Anyway, on to the story, which I will be writing from her perspective here on out.

“Hey babe, can I borrow that black top you have with the one sleeve cutoff tonight?”

Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 7 Finale and Epilogue)

Link to part 6: [](

Despite a horribly long and restless night, I swung my feet over the side of my bed. It was dead silent in my room. There was no one laying next to me. There would be no one joining me in the shower that morning. There would be no one joining me for bed at the end of the day either. I was alone.

I walked over to my mirror. For the first time in months I felt like I recognized who I saw. Maybe, just maybe, I could turn things around, I thought. Maybe not.

I walked towards the shower. It was just another day for everyone else. No, It was more than that. It was the first beautiful early spring day. I passed by the underclassmen who were scurrying to make accommodations for an impromptu BBQ later on. I passed by my friends who were coming out of their comas from the night before. I opened the door to the bathroom and heard joking, laughing, even singing coming from the various stalls and showers. I saw a friend of mine slap his girlfriends ass as she got into the shower before him. Maybe this wasn’t the end of my story, but rather, the beginning. That morning was almost too perfect to be real.

Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 6)

Link to part 5: [](

“Yes, yes, yes, keep going!” Nicky wrapped her arms around me and closed her eyes as she did every time she got close to cumming.

She didn’t want it rough like Ella. She didn’t make desperate moves like Sarah. She wasn’t like the other women in my life because she was just, normal. She didn’t know everything, in fact, she barely knew anything about what was really going on. To her I was just Nate, a junior boy who she was hooking up with. To me she was just Nicky, a hot blonde freshman who I knew I was going to end up hurting.

She squeezed me tightly as I slowly pushed into her one last time. I heard the deafening silence that came with her orgasm.

“Ahh, that was so good! Did you finish?” She said.

“No, I didn’t, but that’s ok, I still have some alcohol in my system from last night, so I don’t know if it’s gonna happen.”

“Oh, ok… Can I give you head or something?”

Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 5)

Link to part 4: [](

Nicky, as it turns out, was also an Engineer. I would see her around the same time every day walking to class. We would walk together, talk, flirt. It was refreshing to be with her.

I liked her. I liked her long blonde hair. I liked the way her voice had sultry, almost raspy, overtones. I liked the way she dressed.

I liked that she was new.

I also really liked how she looked at me. I liked how she was just so excited to be making friends, living in a new place, really being on her own for the first time. Being with her made me think back to when everything was less complicated. Back then, I was dating Sarah. I was best friends with Ella. Brian and I were getting into the normal amount of trouble. Nicky didn’t know anything. She was just having fun.

We separated in the usual spot. I continued up the staircase while she went through the double doors into a big freshman lecture hall. I took a seat in the back of my class upstairs, put my bag in the seat next to me, and took out my phone. I had a text from Nicky and a snapchat from Sarah.

Fucking [M]y Best Friend (Part 4)

Link to part 3: [](

<Are you with anyone?>

<No, why?>

<Can you send me some inspiration?>

<Pics or text?>

<Text please. wby?>

<Definitely pics.>

<I was hoping you’d say that, I’ve been hitting the gym and am really proud of how flat my tummy is right now.>



<You weren’t kidding, that tummy is going to look good covered in my cum.>

<Yes, it will. Now get to it, I’m about to dive in and the wetter you make me, the more I’ll share.>

Looks like I had some work to do. I rushed up to my bathroom and locked the door. It was weird being home from the summer after the year I had. While my freshman year was fun, it couldn’t hold a candle to what had been going on the previous few months. I was home alone in a house that was basically in the middle of the woods, yet I still had to go hide behind a locked door to send dirty texts. It just felt a little childish.

Fucking [M]y best friend (Part 3)

Link to part 2: [](

Ella and I had one class together that semester. It was in her major but an elective for me. Needless to say, she was much better with the subject matter than I. The semester was coming to a close and our final paper was due in a few days. I never considered myself to be a particularly good student, which was supported by the fact that I had yet to start said final paper. Ella, thankfully, had already finished hers and agreed to help me.

I went over to her place around noon with two coffees and some snacks. We plopped down for about a half hour while she tried to pull a paper out of me. We were getting absolutely nowhere. For some reason I simply could not get going on this. Ella decided it would be best to take a break and stop trying to force it. We turned on Netflix and began to chat while eating some of the snacks.

“So Ryan has been texting me.”

“Really? Oooh, that’s fun.”

Fucking [M]y best friend (Part 2)

“I don’t fucking know what you want from me.”

“I never said I want anything other than to talk Sarah. If we keep avoiding it nothing is going to get better.”

“Yea I fucking know that, but what else can we do? My gyno prescribed that pill, I took it, it did nothing. Sex fucking hurts and I can’t orgasm, what the fuck do you want?”

“I’m not attacking you! I know you tried and I appreciate that but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have a problem.”

It went on and on. The ugly parts of sex are, really, really, fucking ugly.

Sarah couldn’t orgasm. She never had before me, and in our time together we were never successful at getting her there. Sometimes she would get close, but never fully across the finish line. She read all the blogs. We tried everything to make it happen for her. It was frustrating. We were young. I didn’t truly understand how it made her feel. I was always trying to be optimistic and I always wanted to try something new. I bought toys, candles, lotions, everything under the sun that is supposed to make sex better. It didn’t matter. Nothing I did, nothing *we did,* was working.

Fucking [M]y best friend (Part 1)

Hello everyone. A little more than five years ago, while in college, I had an affair with my best friend. Let’s call her Ella. It was some of the best sex I’ve ever had, and to this day I think about how somewhat ironically, it was one of the healthiest “platonic” relationships I’ve ever had. Besides the sex, I miss having her in my life. For anyone who seeks a similar end with one of their friends, let this tale be a warning to you. Even when things go perfectly, they can blow up in your face.

This is a really long story that leads us into the present, so I will break it into parts. I hope you enjoy this, as I am not writing it for purely pornographic reasons. I truly need to get this story off my chest as every word of it is true.