I [M] coerced my boss [F] into giving me a rimjob

A fair few months have passed since my last story and admittedly, while there has been the occasional fling, my relationship with both my boss and my pupil’s mother (if you’re new around here, feel free to take a look at my older stories, I’ve had some wild experiences while living abroad), there has been little adventurous or exciting enough to write about until recently.

Last week was our Christmas party. Early I know, but we are well aware that the closer it gets to the holidays, the busier everyone gets so we get everyone together at the earliest possible occasion. We have the party at school on the weekend in a communal area outside as the temperature is around 24°C so it is perfect. We all bring a dish each, alcohol and we usually prepare several litres of homemade Irish cream on top of all the beer, wine and spirits that people bring which goes down a treat. Basically, it gets messy.

Of course, as it gets later into the evening, the music gets turned up louder, people start dancing, singing, the music gets louder, people fall over, and inhibitions ultimately get lowered. The usual things you expect at a Xmas do. My eyes couldn’t help but get drawn towards my boss who is a disaster when it comes to holding her liquor.

I [M] ate my boss’s [F] ass after the staff party

School’s out for summer! As a result, wecteachers had our end of year party last night. I had fooled around with my boss a while back (check my last story out) and was certain we would do it again given she told me she wanted me to fuck her, but I wasn’t sure when we’d have another opportunity. We’d had a couple of moments in her office but since it was end of year everyone was extremely busy and staying late after school to mark exams, get reports done etc.

For those of you who haven’t read my last story, she has amazing curves, a big ass, dark hair and light skin. She’s confident and outgoing which is a really attractive quality of hers that draws people in. Men around the school have commented on her being hot even though one could argue that physically she’s probably a 6 or 7/10, she is just one of those women that has something about her.

I [M] ate my boss’s [F] ass

As you may have gathered from previous posts, I’m a teacher, and I’m sure most of you know that we lead pretty adulterous lives, and as such I’ve had a good few experiences with my colleagues. However, I’d never had the audacity to ask to lick their ass until recently.

My Head of Department is slightly older than me. She’s around 175cm, curvy (in the right places), a fucking brilliant ass, her best feature by far, dark hair, light skin. She is unorthodically hot, certainly not the most but she’s just one of those women that has an aura about her that is attractive. I always had a slight feeling that I got the job based on the fact she had a crush on me. I’m a decent teacher, but my credentials are certainly not the best and I’m sure there were other candidates that were more qualified than me. Nevertheless, we’ve had a sort of flirty relationship since I joined, nothing has ever been acted upon, mostly because I’ve been occupied with the pupil’s mother I’ve written about.

3 Arab Women [FFF] shared me [M]

Many of you have asked for updates and finally I have a story willing to share. This happened just last night so I’m still fucking stoked about this.

As you may be aware, it is currently Ramadan, so it is customary that Arabs fast during the day and then gave feasts known as iftars in the evening after sundown. I was invited to come participate in an iftar with the mother and what I had expected to be the rest of the family on Friday night, and given it is considered special to be invited to such an occasion, I agreed to come. It had been a while since we had done anything, the mother and I, as the husband had returned for a while and then when he left, she stopped asking me to tend to her. I had believed that perhaps with him returning, she had reconsidered her choices and decided not to continue, which I was obviously a bit gutted about but accepting of.