[MF] How I [M25] ended up dating (and now engaged) to my best friends ex [F25] and how a friendship was ruined.

Sorry for the length, but there’s a lot fucking and excitement to get to, so stick with it. Most of this is backstory so I’m not expecting this to get highly upvoted, but this sub lacks genuine stories and this is very real.

Alright so this starts all the way back to college when I was 20. I met a good friend of mine, Aaron in college. Same degree as me and was my lifting partner. Probably one of my best friends I’ve ever had. We look very similiar, and we got mistaken as brothers all of the time. Admittedly, he was broader and an inch taller than me with a deeper voice. All of the girls in my major were in love with him and it made sense. I did very well myself as well, i was a bit more in shape and a bit wittier tbh.

Its sophomore year and he invited me to his birthday party a few months after we started hanging and lifting together. I get to the party and there’s some people I don’t recognize playing flip cup, small game. I introduce myself as Aaron’s friend and everyone smiles and invites me to play, I could tell they were already drunk

[MF] The time I [M22] went on my first business trip 6 months after college and ordering my first and only escort [F35]

Alright, so running it back to 2018 when I was 22, I’m 25 now. The last part of college, I was a slut for the first time in my life. Honestly, was a bit obsessed with myself and the hard work at the gym paid off. I was getting what I wanted and slept with 8 girls the last two months of college. It was a good run.

So fast forward 6 months, I’m living at home on a dry spell working for an engineering firm. Tried using dating apps but only getting dates here and there. It was a rough stretch, especially because I try to avoid porn unless it’s on this sub. I was probably holding in my cum with the exception of once every 3 weeks I’d give in.

So I got sent to a mid size city in the midwestern part of the states. I was set there for 3 months, and I tried using tinder the first few weeks. Went on a date with an 18 year old but it was weird.