I’m currently in love with my gf, we’ve been dating for about 1.5 years.
I was an ugly duckling until about 22 to be honest. It took me a while to gain the muscle, figure out a haircut (longish but not too long hair, think Adam Driver, and finally realize that growing a beard helped my jaw line immensely..) I had an old friend tell me I went from a 5 to a solid 8 and a 9 if she was drunk.
Slowly gaining this attractiveness over time kind of turned me into a sex addict from 22-24. Being able to go to the college bars and just drink confidently and smile was enough for groups of girls to gather around me and my friends, and I had a lot of drunken one night stands during that time.
Anyway, after graduation I was using tinder but eventually didn’t need it as a reconnected with a friend and we started dating.
I realized my tinder was still active earlier this week and downloaded it just to delete it.