Darla and I celebrate Independence Day Part 5 [Str8] [MF]

This is a true story. I changed the names of all and some details to further disguise the identities of those in this story. The dialogues are to the best of my memory. It has been more than 40 years since this happened so I hope you will cut me some slack.

To recap: Darla, the wife (46 years old) of my supervisor Will (early 50s) had started an affair just two weeks after we had met. We have had several sessions together, including a weekend when Will was away and some sneaky sex at the Memorial Day cookout. I was 24 years old at the time of our affair.

Go to the —— lines for the sexy parts.

Will invited me and several other single people in our office to a cookout on Independence Day and then to go see the fireworks that same evening. I knew he was going to ask me. Darla had told me the previous weekend, while we were in bed together, that he was going to invite me. I was looking forward to being with Darla at their house. I wanted to pursue some mischief with her.

Long time friend tells of cheating with a former student [Str8] [MF]

This is a story told to me by my girlfriend Lucy. I have changed names and some places to protect the identities of those involved. I also changed the timing of certain activities. I pieced this story together from phone conversation Lucy and I had over the past year.

Note to my followers: The woman who told me this story is not Carly a teacher I have posted about previously. Lucy is someone I have know for decades, went to school with and dated in both high school and college. She and I reconnected four years ago. We have had many hours of phone conversations about our sex lives since we reconnected.

This is a long one. If you want to skip to the sexy bits search for the —— lines.

I had to drag this story out of Lucy. She likes to portray herself as a modest and cautious woman. But I know better. When we were dating in the early 1970s I got many blow jobs, hand jobs and titty fucks from her. She was an FWB of mine before FWB became a thing. Lucy came from a fairly well to do family. Money was never a problem for her at any time in her life.

[MF] I take Sally to a porn theater

This is a story about a woman I dated years ago. I am recalling this from about 45 years ago so the story is the best I can do. I have changed names and some places to protect the identities of those involved.

In late-1975 I [M25] started dating Sally [F22], a cute young woman from the Mid West. She had a light complexion, brown eyes, permed light brown hair. She was about 5′ 5″ tall, around 120 lbs. She was slender with small boobs. She was quiet and smart. She came from an upper middle class family.

She was tasteful. Everything about her was tasteful: hair, make up, clothing, jewelry, shoes and accessories. Even her apartment was tastefully decorated. It looked like something on a TV show.

Sally had a boyfriend back in the Mid West, Wayne. But he was 800 miles away and she had a young woman’s needs. She chose me to satisfy those needs.

This story starts the weekend before Thanksgiving Day, 1975. She was going to fly back to see her family and Wayne in two days.