I [M] went to another party at my best [F]riend’s house, but this time we fucked.

**Note:** Long text. If you wanna skip to the sexual part, follow the dots (*******)

Maddy and I met on high school and built a friendship that lasted forever (which means, well, until nowadays, in our twenties). I still remember our first conversations, on those high school birthday parties where we’d sneakily drink like half a glass of beer and feel like we were the coolest kids on Earth, until our parents came to take us home before midnight. The first thing I thought about her was that she was the funniest person I’d met. She had this sharp sense of humour that always made me crack, even before she finished her sentences or when she was being so subtle that half the other kids didn’t even get she was joking. By talking a bit we found out that we shared almost identical musical interests, which kicked off our first really long conversations and derived in quickly getting to know each other and developing a beautiful friendship. Now, we are practically inseparable. She’s my confident and I am hers. Whenever something happens, good or bad, we tell each other, we share advices and we cheer each other up. And, of course, that includes details on our sexual lives as well. Every hook up, date or potential romantic interest is a big theme of conversation, and we openly discuss them knowing that on the other side there’s a supportive friend willing to give the best advice or just celebrate that the other had a good time. And I know what you might be thinking, so: no, we never had sex. She had openly told me in full detail about all her crazy experiences and adventures, but I had never seen her naked, topless or anything close, and I was perfectly fine with that. Not every friendship has to have a perverse side, jesus! (funny thing, I’ll end up contradicting myself…).