My friend’s wife helped give me the best “welcome home” gift imaginable [MF]

Note: I originally posted this in r/Truebigdickstories which is why I focus on that aspect a lot. If you find that obnoxious then sorry etc, but I ain’t re-writing it! I think there’s something in here for everyone though. Happy to provide additional details if asked.

I recently moved back to my hometown after six years away so a couple weekends ago a bunch of us got together to celebrate and have a good time. A lot had changed among the group while I was away as one would expect. Some couples had gotten married, some broke up, some had children, there are some new faces, etc. Overall this was still the same group of people I had known for a long time though, only now with some different dynamics. We started with drinks and games at a friends place, and since this occasion was about welcoming me home I was fielding a lot of questions from everyone about my time away. Naturally the topic of my dating life came up and I was explaining that I had a couple brief flings but nothing serious when a guy friend of mine interjects, “He was probably too busy wrecking tinder dates with his monster cock!” Which got a roar of laughter from everyone. It’s something that’s been attached to my reputation for most of my life so everyone is aware I’m on the larger side, whether it’s first hand or from hearing jokes/comment about it, so I was used to it and just continued on with the conversation.

Giving my boss what her ex-husband couldn’t [MF]

When I was fresh out of college I was working as a temp for a large company and my project manager was a woman in her mid-30’s. For whatever reason we got along really well right away and although I have to admit I was attracted to her from the start she had been married for years and I was not about to screw up my first job by hitting on my boss.

A few months pass and after one particularly stressful week we decided to grab a drink at our building’s bar to blow off steam. That drink turned into a couple drinks and soon we’re being very open with each other and having a genuinely good time, and now I’m starting to flirt a but more with her because I can’t help it. We ended up getting post-work drinks a few more times when on one particular evening she admits that she had gotten divorced several weeks ago. I ask her about it and although she was composed at first she eventually started going off about everything she hated about her ex husband including how small his penis was. Now, we were candid with each other about a lot of things but this was the first time something directly sexual had come up. I was a bit surprised, but I could not relate to her ex husband in this regard so I simply gave her my sympathy.