First time

As she lifted the almost empty bottle of wine she carefully inspecting it touching, the paper of the label and the glass bottle, not wanting time and commenting on the soft paper and how her finger tips stuck to the cold glass because of the wetness of her tips.

She then realized she was might have been to forward, she held back and look wondersly at the table.
She got herself together, it was the perfect moment to bring her phone out and take a selfie, as they got close she couldn’t help herself and took a deep breath to find her smell in the air, a much too sweet scent for her normal taste, but still intriguing it was a mixture of cheap cherry and rusty metal.

She went on commenting on the picture they took, she laughed and mentioned how heinous and silly she looked, knowing that was an obvious lie.
They both took a sip of their wine glas, she rubbed her knees as she would normally do when she is nervous.
The place got louder, she grabbed her hair, finished her glass of cheap red wine as she was looking for courage. As in this liquid she would get the super power of confidence and be able to tell she wanted to go home with her.

Categorized as Erotica

Moving day

-I think is the next left, right? Said Gaby.

-Yes that’s right.

-What? To the right?

-No dad, to the left. Only that I said that Gaby was right by saying it was the next left.

Oh right , so left. Said Betty’s dad.

The three laughed of the silly dad joke he pulled, just as a father ought to do. As they turned to the left to what it will be their new flat after spending a year of internship in Beijing, they were encountered with heavy breaking and cursing from Betty’s dad.

Look where you are going! You bum! And just as a ridiculous romantic comedy movie there he was, with a completely confused, blank and apologetic stare. Waving his hand in a I accept the wrong doing manner.

First time after months of online calls and talking.

Where did we meet? I think she picked me up in her old beat up Chrysler. Did she pick me up from home? Must have been, I didn’t have a car at the time.
Man that car stank, it was a combination of humidity and dog, must-have been from all those street fogs she rescued.
She mentioned over a Skype call she loved champagne.

Those Skype calls, fuck long distance relationship, but I do admit they were fun, all those I’m going to do this to you when I see you, I’ll let you do this to me, it might get old quick but it does give you something to look forward too.

Yes, she picked me up from home, I think we listened to Depeche Mode, the music for the masses album to be accurate.
Stopped at a super market as I told her to do so, of course I bought a bottle of champagne, Moêt & Chandon. It had to be, after all those things I said I was going to do to her, I had to put my money where my mouth is, well in this case put my mouth were I said I was going to put it.

Moving day

-I think is the next left, right? Said Gaby.

-Yes that’s right.

-What? To the right?

-No dad, to the left. Only that I said that Gaby was right by saying it was the next left.

Oh right m, so left. Said Betty’s dad.

The three laughed of the silly dad joke he pulled, just as a father ought to do. As they turned to the left to what it will be their new flat after spending a year of internship in Beijing, they were encountered with heavy breaking and cursing from Betty’s dad.

Look where you are going! You bum! And just as a ridiculous romantic comedy movie there he was, with a completely confused, blank and apologetic stare. Waving his hand in a I accept the wrong doing manner.