[m/m] My first steam room experience

So to start with a little about me, I am 21 and darker skinned. I'm half black, half white so I came out the color of a hispanic, and people ask me if I speak Spanish on a regular basis. I'm average height (about 5ft 8in) and about 150 pounds. My build is muscular, but more on the lean side than the beefy side.

I work at a high end gym and health club where I get to know a good amount of the members, and after a workout I usually like to hit the steam room to wind down and make sure I don't get too sore afterwards. So I go inside, and it looks like the cycle is just about over. You can see clearly and the air is warm, but not hot. It's not too big of a deal, since the room works on a timer and I know it will kick on soon anyway. So I sit back and wait. Of course I could have splashed it with cold water to activate the steam but there is a sign that specifically said not to do that because it breaks the system, and being a worker there I should probably follow the rules.