I [m] slept with my crazy ex [f] [long]

So I’ve debated writing this as I’m an awful story teller but you guys have given me so much enjoyment I thought I would try to return the favour. Warning t

So a bit of backstory:
Me and my ex (I will call her M) dated for about 2 months a year and a half ago. Now the age old saying “don’t stick your dick in crazy” has never been more true with her. She’s one of the best lays I’ve ever had but what came out of that relationship was not worth it. She would stalk me at work, start arguments over everything and belittled me to the point I constantly felt angry and insecure. My friends noticed and promptly nicknamed her the mermaid because she was sweet, everyone loved her and found her incredibly attractive but would eat your soul away if got with her. So M is 23, average height (around 5”7), long dirty blonde hair with an amazing rack (at a guess their D’s at least) an ass that jiggles in the all the right ways, toned legs and abs and a cute as a button face. As for me, I’m 22, 5”10, solid build but not muscular, medium length dark blonde hair and a package I’m more than happy with. So back to the story, after another night of arguments, this time on a night out, she accuses me of the one thing I can’t stand, cheating. Why you ask? Her best friend pecked me on the cheek goodnight. I had enough kicked her out my car and that was that.