[MF] I made love with my best friend’s wife (long)

My best friend died last year from an accident. He was happily married to a nice Indian-American woman who is a doctor and they have a beautiful daughter. I was very close with them and his death was difficult for both of us.

Last Saturday I met her in the town and I gave her a lift. She invited me to come over her house and I decided to spend few hours in the evening with them. Her daughter had fallen asleep.We were talking and had some beer too. We talked about a lot of things; my friend, life, her family.

It was quite intimate. Not only was she turning my on physically, but intellectually too.I leaned in to kiss her, and soon we were kissing. Her lips tasted amazing. I wasn’t sure at this point what she was thinking. Would she want to go through with this? I was certainly ready, but it was a bit hard to read her enthusiasm. So I decided to myself, fuck it, I’m just going to follow her and let her tell me if I should make my way back home.