[MF] A warm set of sheets (More intimate than sexual)

Here’s a “storytelling” prose 1st person story that’s about how me and my SO became a trio, as fake as it sounds.

A little background:

Anna and Ava (The woman from my last story) are what I’d like to consider social nudists. Ava is a nudist, and Anna is more/less one, although she prefers just toplessness to full on nudity, unless she’s in good company.

Honestly I don’t even consider women being topless nudity at this point. It’s so normal to me now, but the aesthetic admiration is there. She also likes them touched even when we’re not being sexual, so it’s kinda so-so in my head. I guess I just consider it sexual/nonsexual given the context. To her it’s like I’m patting her head or rubbing her back softly, just regular petting with added sensitivity.

Ava took my advice from my last story so long ago and strips down near instantly when she enters my home.

Her and Anna have an affinity for either toplessness or nudity whenever they can manage it. I met Ava at a nudist resort when I worked there as a groundskeeper in highschool. That job wasn’t really all that, pay was trash. But I got a friend out of it.

[MF] An expensive gift. (More intimate than sexual)

The only relevant details are that I’m Asexual (sex indifferent) and that this happened shortly before I became intimate with my lovely (also ace) SO, which happens to be a shared friend of the equally magnificent woman this story revolves around.

Let’s call her Ava, and our friend (my now SO) Anna.

So, we start with a car ride.

I picked her up, and she immediately throws her backpack to the floorboard in front of her and fishes out a cardboard box after closing the door.

“I know it’s late, it took forever to get here with snail mail, but here, happy birthday” She said, holding the box out to me with a smile.

I look at her shocked, and take the box from her, looking at it. It’s a rather unadorned roughly rectangular cardboard box with only a shipping label.

“Do you want me to open it now?” I ask, setting it down on the flat center console of my 1998′ ram.

“By all means” she replies, still looking at me with her beaming smile.

Saying “Thank You” [MF]

I’m purposely going to be sparse with details at the start because I’d like you to get them as you read. This is going to read like my slice of life work (in fact I based a short story I posted on wattpad about this very event) so expect a bunch of other stuff besides strictly sexy things.

The only relevant details are that I’m Asexual (sex indifferent) and that this happened shortly before I became intimate with my lovely (also ace) SO, which happens to be a shared friend of the equally magnificent woman this story revolves around.

Let’s call her Ava, and our friend (my now SO) Anna.

So, we start with a car ride.

I picked her up, and she immediately throws her backpack to the floorboard in front of her and fishes out a cardboard box after closing the door.

“I know it’s late, it took forever to get here with snail mail, but here, happy birthday” She said, holding the box out to me with a smile.

I look at her shocked, and take the box from her, looking at it. It’s a rather unadorned roughly rectangular cardboard box with only a shipping label.

Teenage wonder.

I figured I’d write it out while the memory is fresh in my mind, this was between me and my now SO, then childhood friend. (There’s no sex in this story, just a whole lot of awkward teenage energy in text form)

I’m not really a writer, I just do it as a hobby. This is going to be a very “casually written” story.

So, anywho, here I go.

I was 14, this happened 2-3 days before my 15th birthday, she was 14 too, being born 9 days after me. We figured we’d have a “dual birthday party” at her house, celebrating both of ours over a 2 week period. It was just us in the house at the time, and I don’t remember why, but her mother wasn’t there, and her father was at work.

I was sitting on the couch, watching the TV which was on the outer wall, with her doing something on a laptop behind me, sat at the circular table with several tall stool style chairs around it.

Categorized as Erotica

Saying “Thank You” (NonFiction) (Long) [MF] [M20 F19]

I’m purposely going to be sparse with details at the start because I’d like you to get them as you read. This is going to read like my slice of life work (in fact I based a short story I posted on wattpad about this very event) so expect a bunch of other stuff besides strictly sexy things.

The only relevant details are that I’m Asexual (sex indifferent) and that this happened shortly before I met my lovely (also ace) SO, which happens to be a shared lifelong friend of the equally magnificent woman this story revolves around.

Let’s call her Ava, and our friend (my now SO) Anna.

So, we start with a car ride.

I picked her up, and she immediately throws her backpack to the floorboard in front of her and fishes out a cardboard box after closing the door.

“I know it’s late, it took forever to get here with snail mail, but here, happy birthday” She said, holding the box out to me with a smile.

I look at her shocked, and take the box from her, looking at it. It’s a rather unadorned roughly rectangular cardboard box with only a shipping label.

[MF] Quality time with Kate! The road trip.

I’m not a very good writer but I’ll do my damndest, this did actually happen, there’s enough here to matter, the rest is just artistic liberty to make it flow better, just know I fabricated nothing. I simply added small details that were forgotten, keeping within reasonable margin of believability, colors of clothing are a great example of this, I DID however entirely fabricate the time/place to keep pseudo anonymity. I tried to keep as much detail as I remembered when I originally wrote this, as well as now when I am revising the story.

This story was originally written in the summer of 2019 and posted to the popular trio of NSFW story subreddits. After 3 months of the story being up, and it gaining large amounts of approval, I took it down due to the large amount of revealing personal information it contained. I am now reposting it with several edits.

About the greentext format: you’ll get used to it, if you don’t like it, scroll down and read another story?

[MF] giving my close friend, now girlfriend her very first orgasm during a road trip, with 3 other people in the vehicle.

r/erotica and r/sexstories loved this, so I figured I’d post it here as well.

I’m going to preface this by saying I’m not a very good writer, but I’ll do my damnedest, this did actually happen, I’ll do my absolute best to include as much detail as I remember.

let’s introduce the people of the story:

there’s me, my name is not important, at the time I was ~6’2-6’4. I’m not sure, it doesn’t really matter though.

(((we are all high school Seniors in this story, everyone is 18 besides CO, who’s 19 at the time)))

there’s Blondie, a ~5’8 kinda chubby short haired bisexual girl, not really my type

There’s Kate, she’s ~6’2, small breasts, large A’s small B’s, perfect in my eyes, (it’s worth noting that at the time, me and her were only friends, nothing more. but this did bring us closer, you’ll see) Kate is not her real name, that’s just the name I’m giving her for this story.

There’s Josh, no that’s not his real name, he’s 6’2, straight, Mexican, not really important to the story really, just an all around bro, been friends since forever

Camping with Kate, (follow up to the road trip story)

This is the recounting of a camping trip involving me, and Kate from the last story.

If you haven’t read it, I would strongly suggest you do so, you can read it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mlqv1c/the_story_of_how_i_gave_one_of_my_close_friends/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mlqv1c/the_story_of_how_i_gave_one_of_my_close_friends/)

This happened about 1 year after the road trip. Yet again, same thing as last story, I’ll try to get as detailed as I can, if any detail is incomplete, I will not include it, I’ll let your imagination do that. (but that’s half the entertainment right?) this one is also going to have a HELL of a lot more story to it, as well as be significantly longer.

So, let’s get started.

>be me

>we’re both 17 now


>either late June or early July I think

>I live in Kansas, the specific location is not important.

>I now have a nice purdy new to me truck, a 2012 chevy silverado 4 door

>may or may not have totaled the 2001 suburban, but we’re not going to talk about that

>me and Kate are now more than friends

>she spends more time at my house than hers, we’re always doing something together

Categorized as Erotica

the story of how I gave one of my close friends her very first orgasm during a road trip, with 3 other people in the vehicle.

I’m going to preface this by saying I’m not a very good writer, but I’ll do my damnedest, this did actually happen, I’ll do my absolute best to include as much detail as I remember.

This happened back in my Junior year of highschool, thought I’d get that out of the way.

let’s introduce the people of the story:

there’s me, my name is not important, at the time I was ~6’2-6’4. I’m not sure, it doesn’t really matter though.

there’s Blondie, a ~5’8 kinda chubby short haired bisexual girl, not really my type, large B’s small C’s, she’s a Junior at the time.

There’s Kate, she’s ~6’2, small breasts, large A’s small B’s, perfect in my eyes, same year as me at the time (it’s worth noting that at the time, me and her were only friends, nothing more. but this did bring us closer, you’ll see) Kate is not her real name, that’s just the name I’m giving her for this story.

There’s Josh, no that’s not his real name, he’s 6’2, straight, Mexican, not really important to the story really, just an all around bro, been friends since forever, he’s a Junior too.