[M + F] Issues with the girl next door…. Part 1

*This is my first post, hopefully you enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments :)*

It’s been weeks and we haven’t spoken about it, a palpable tension filling the air when the three of us are in he room. It all started about a month or so ago. My girlfriend lay sound asleep at 7:30 in the afternoon after taking half a bottle of NyQuil, not a volcano erupting outside our window could wake her at that point, and I was relaxing on the couch. That’s when you walked in, grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and collapsed onto the couch.

“What a day,” you said exasperated. We discussed your day for a few minutes before I headed out to the gym, as I complete my work out and look down at my phone there’s a new text.