My[F] first Sunday night service [Group]

This happened just last night.. I have been replaying it all day in my head.

I had matched with R on Tinder on Saturday night, and we chatted briefly, seeming to get along famously. I gave him my number, and we continued to talk almost the whole day on Sunday, about cooking, living in BC, and how much we enjoy the city we are in. We made plans to have dinner Monday night as I had plans with some friends Sunday night. But about an hour before I was to head out, everyone bailed, and I was left on my lonesome with no plans.

I texted R and let him know, not with the intention of getting together, but rather used it as a talking point. He didn’t reply for a couple hours, and I didn’t think much of it. When he did at about 8 pm, it was an invitation to join him and his 3 friends at a comedy club, for what they called the Sunday Service. I didn’t have much else to do, so although that’s not usually my scene, I threw on a cute shirt and headed on my way.