[FFFF] White Girl turned into Chicanas’ Pet (Part 2)

You can read part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n1blvc/ffff_white_girl_turned_into_chicanas_pet/)


After what happened at lunch Riley found herself unable to focus. The girls’ tastes still lingered on her tongue. She had never tasted a pussy before today and she found herself…liking how it tasted? It tasted a bit iron-like with a hint of sour but also a bit sweet. There was also a pervading flavor she couldn’t quite describe. That flavor had a lot to do with their smells and it was especially that taste that now felt so memorable on her tongue. As she mulled over their specific tastes the science teacher called on her to introduce herself. She jumped a little from being startled out of her thoughts but quickly composed herself.

“Hi I’m Riley. I….”


She got through the rest of her classes without incident but there was one thing nagging her in the back of her mind. The fact that the girls were expecting her to come back after school. Threat or not there was no way she would deliver herself to the lions den. She would sneak off and make up an excuse later on why she couldn’t make it. But just as she was about to pass the threshold of the front door out she felt someone bump into her and grab her by the upper arm. Her head turned in fright and the worst possible person had caught her. It was Bianca.

[FFFF] White girl turned into Chicanas’ pet

Riley’s dad had gotten a giant promotion that came with the catch of relocating to a new city. Riley wasn’t too happy about moving and leaving all her friends behind but the opportunity was too good and her parents insisted on it. On top of which Riley’s mom had way too much time on her hands and came up with the idea of putting Riley in a public school. She had been in private schools all her life and her mother thought it was a good idea for her to get some experience with public schooling, even if it was just for her last year of high school.

Riley stepped through the threshold of the front door and was immediately disappointed. No longer were there the clean white tiles and spotless rows of lockers with neatly dressed students. The tiles were white but they seemed to have a thin layer of permanent dirt on top of them. There were rows of lockers but a lot of them were chipping paint or mangled in some way. The students were all dressed haphazardously in all different colors and shapes, which would normally be a good thing if half of them didn’t look like hooligans. The slight scent of mildew hung in the air and tickled her nostrils. She knew she would not be having a fun time here and cursed her mother for this stupid idea. It was too late to make a change so she’d just have to stomach it and keep her head down for the year.

[FF] Lexi’s Bully Found Something Else She Wanted To Do With Her (part 2)

You can read part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l46vzf/ff_lexis_bully_found_something_else_she_wanted_to/)


It had been a few weeks since their first time together. Lexi found herself naked in an old run-down building behind the school. Opposite Lexi was her bully and top dog at her school Allison, still fully clothed. Allison didn’t like to be exposed in public but she always wanted Lexi to be.

It used to be the art building but the program had been discontinued years ago and now the place was boarded up and locked down. Allison, however, had a way in. Her aunt worked in the district as an administrator and had a key. She didn’t even notice when Allison swiped it. After all who cares about a key to a building no one used?

They were hiding out in the pottery room sucking each other’s faces like they were thirsty for the other’s spit. Allison was especially aggressive and her hands roamed all over Lexi’s body. In particular she kept grabbing Lexi’s ass. She absolutely loved the feeling of that juicy Latina booty and it stoked her fire like no other. She let out a growl of hunger as her fingers sunk deeper into Lexi’s soft flesh.

[FF] Succubus University

Violetta Perniciem Erebus Caenum Platina, Viola, woke up with light bags under her eyes with a start. She had just had a dream where she was made into a suckpet for one of her instructors at Succubus university. Her hand went down to her crotch and she could feel how absolutely drenched her panties had gotten. Yet despite the sexual excitement her body felt, her skin was drenched in a cold sweat from fear. The specific instructor Facinorious Metanoia Elysian Quaintrelle Quean, Mrs. Queen, was known for being particularly hard on her students. Viola had been picked on by her on more than one occasion. It even seemed Mrs. Queen had taken a liking to her. The thought made Viola tremble in fear and her pussy flood all at once. The reasonable side of her mind reminded her that being the favorite of someone that had the nickname “The Iron Bitch” was not a good thing at all. However the hidden masochistic side of her exulted in the idea of being played around with by The Iron Bitch. Surely she would give Viola delectable amounts of pain.

Viola struggled with these two conflicting feelings for a moment before deciding to simply get out of bed and clean herself off.

[FF] Lexi’s Bully Found Something Else She Wanted To Do With Her

Lexi yelped as she was thrown into the bathroom stall at school. As usual the popular girls had gotten bored and needed to let out some steam on her. On the left was Kylee, a cuban girl whose dad owned a shipping company. She was very well off and pretty to boot so she naturally became one of the popular girls. On the right was Angelica. Who unlike her name was not angelic at all. She loved instigating the bullying the most. Her dad was some hot shot lawyer and she always had on designer clothes.

Then there was Allison. The top dog at Edmond High. Her family came from old money. Like owns half the town old money. Allison was so pretty that she was actually a professional model. In her spare time she also rode horses so she had a body that was to die for. It went without question that Allison was perfect in every way. Well, if you ignored the bullying that is.

Lexi was your typical white trash wearing bargain bin $5 T-shirts and old faded jeans. She was an easy target for the girls.