So to start off I am now in my 30s but have been reminiscing about my high school experimentation years.
I was a popular guy, always had a girlfriend and had no issues hooking up with girls my age. I was straight but did spend 1/2 my “porn time” looking up and jacking off to gay porn of all kinds. I assumed maybe this was normal? I was a small teen- literally 4ft 11 my freshman year but graduated at 6ft – always very thin but athletic. I played soccer, was semi grunge, and had shaggy blonde hair if that helps put a picture in your head.
These particular memories are about teen me eagerly wanting to put anything and everything dick shaped in my ass as I was not ready to admit I may have wanted the real thing. It started small with permanent markers and hair brush handles and ended with an 8 inch plastic tool designed to help blenders mix better, deep in my ass.
I literally would use it, wash it and put it back in the rando drawer in the kitchen. I had a little stache in my closet with a dozen “toys”. They were all hard plastic toys, or tube shaped objects and my little ass was so tight I couldn’t ever get things as wide or deep as I wanted without extreme effort.