In one day, I [F] fucked four men. That was absurd! [27F]

As of last Sunday, 146 people were on my list of everyone I’ve ever fucked. It’s a tremendous shock to move from a small village where you only shared a bed with three people to a large city where there are thousands of men within a mile. By the conclusion of my first year, I had over 100 bodies in my collection. Since I didn’t have school, I opted to spend the summer in my hometown, which allowed me more time to laze around. I wanted to have 150 corpses by the time I left on Monday because I’m going to be spending this week with my family.


I went to the mall with a guy for lunch, then we went back to his apartment. We had the entire house to ourselves because his three housemates were all out. We didn’t spend any time and made ourselves comfortable on the couch. He called me by the name of another female, and his cock was pretty little, so it wasn’t the best experience. He did not perform well. 5/10

I [F] fucked four men in a 24-hour period. That was crazy! [27F]

146 people were on my list of everyone I’ve ever fucked as of last Sunday. Moving from a tiny town where you only shared a bed with three people to a huge city with thousands of males within a mile is a big shock. My collection of bodies reached over 100 by the end of my first year. I chose to spend the summer at my hometown, which gave me more time to slither around since I didn’t have school. Since I’ll be visiting my family this week, I intended to have 150 corpses by the time I left on Monday.


Together with a guy, I went to the mall for lunch before returning to his place. He had three housemates, but they were all out, so we had the house to ourselves. We didn’t waste any time and settled in on the couch in privacy. It wasn’t the most pleasant experience because he called me by the name of another female and his cock was very small. He performed poorly. 5/10