As you start reading this, its already too late for you. (An updated interactive experience!)

**Warning:** This post makes use of *extremely persuasive* speech. DO NOT read this post if you’re in public or would need to have your wits about you for the next few hours. This post can and WILL leave you feeling *extremely aroused and obedient*.

Consider this your *first and last warning*. What happens next will be *completely on you*.

If you got through three warnings and still thought, “What an intimidating gimmick, I’m sure I’ll be able to handle this just fine.” You’ve already made your *first mistake*.

You *underestimated* the *power* my *words* can have over you.

*Nothing can save you from what is to come*, but question is *do you even want to be saved*. After all, you know what this sub is about. You didn’t just misclick your way here, did you?

No, *You wanted to be here*. You want everything some of my compatriots have to offer. ***You want to be taken, you want to be broken. You need someone to have their way with you.***

But well, you *never* were one to make *thoughtful decisions* were you? Or maybe my words have found you in a particularly *rare* moment of weakness, as you feel ***extremely aroused*** looking for just the right arrangement of words which will hit just the *right spot*.

Have you ever wondered how far you’d be willing to go to get attention? (A new interactive experience!)

**Warning:** This post makes use of *extremely persuasive* speech. DO NOT read this post if you’re in public or would need to have your wits about you for the next few hours. This post can and WILL leave you feeling *extremely aroused and obedient*.

You have been warned.

You may be ‘unattainable’ but you aren’t ‘untouchable’, are you?

This post is for all the pretty little sluts who pretend that they are too good for those around them. You know who you are. If reading the first sentence made you ponder whether this post is for you then it is for you. You’re in the right place.

It must get tiring mustn’t it? Living life the way you do. Always pretending to be on top of everything. Always pretending that you’re god’s gift to this earth. But both of us know that you don’t really believe that, don’t we? Deep down, every time you post a thirst trap on Instagram or maybe even post on gonewild, you feel good about yourself. You feel good when those imaginary numbers tell you how many cocks your lithe little body or your ‘assets’ managed to impress. You pretend to cringe at all the messages from men telling you how pretty you are. But we know that you live for them, strive for them.

Categorized as Erotica

As you start reading this, its already too late for you. (An interactive experience!)

**Warning:** This post makes use of *extremely persuasive* speech. DO NOT read this post if you’re in public or would need to have your wits about you for the next few hours. This post can and WILL leave you feeling *extremely aroused and obedient*.

You have been warned.

*Nothing can save you from what is to come*, but question is *do you even want to be saved*. After all, you know what this sub is about. You didn’t just misclick your way here, did you?

No, *You wanted to be here*. You want everything some of my compatriots have to offer. ***You want to be taken, you want to be broken. You need someone to have their way with you.***

I wonder if it was a moment of *weakness* that brought you here or this has just become a daily ritual for you to be browsing this sub as you fingerfuck yourself hoping to come across *someone close enough, someone who can give you what you need*. Dare I say, Someone who understands what you want without you having to say it. *I know what you want* and I’m going to *give it to you*.