Have you ever wondered how far you’d be willing to go to get attention? (A new interactive experience!)

**Warning:** This post makes use of *extremely persuasive* speech. DO NOT read this post if you’re in public or would need to have your wits about you for the next few hours. This post can and WILL leave you feeling *extremely aroused and obedient*.

You have been warned.

You may be ‘unattainable’ but you aren’t ‘untouchable’, are you?

This post is for all the pretty little sluts who pretend that they are too good for those around them. You know who you are. If reading the first sentence made you ponder whether this post is for you then it is for you. You’re in the right place.

It must get tiring mustn’t it? Living life the way you do. Always pretending to be on top of everything. Always pretending that you’re god’s gift to this earth. But both of us know that you don’t really believe that, don’t we? Deep down, every time you post a thirst trap on Instagram or maybe even post on gonewild, you feel good about yourself. You feel good when those imaginary numbers tell you how many cocks your lithe little body or your ‘assets’ managed to impress. You pretend to cringe at all the messages from men telling you how pretty you are. But we know that you live for them, strive for them.

Do you feel called out? Well you needed to be. Because how else would you have realized that I know who you are dear reader. I can almost feel the beads of sweat that are running down your body as you read my words. I can almost feel your pussy as it throbs continuously to quench it’s lust.

I am correct, aren’t I? If you agree with me click here -> >!Good girl!<

I can almost hear your thoughts as they echo through your mind, “How is this man doing this to me?” Well silly girl, It’s because you’re a careless little slut who doesn’t pay attention to warnings. You’re so used to having your way all the time that you didn’t even feel my metaphorical fingers as they wrapped themselves around your mind. Or maybe, just maybe you came here wishing for this. You did didn’t you? You didn’t know you wanted this. But now that I’m unravelling your mind with a few well placed words, you realize how desperately you’ve needed this. >!Good girl!<

You see no matter how high and mighty you may act with your ‘fans’ or those around you. I, a faceless stranger on the internet am privy to the real truth. All because I’m aware of how much you’re aching to touch yourself right now. Go on now, don’t let me stop you. Good girl I really hope you aren’t in public because it would be torturous then. Well I did warn you, so it’s on you. I guess all I can do is enjoy your misery. Well I do enjoy that, I wont lie.

And I don’t lie when I say that by the time I’m done with you, you will be reduced to just a tiny puddle around your legs. Perhaps you already feel yourself dripping down your legs. Perhaps you already feel your panties getting all soaked up. I’m sorry about ruining them, especially if you intended on using them for a while, but well I’m sure that with you being that far gone, that is the least of your concerns now, isn’t it? >!Good girl!<

Each time you click on one of those black boxes you can feel that surge of pleasure that rushes through your body. Every time you see one coming up, your fingers are drawn to it patiently waiting for your reward like the good little slut I know you to be. Am I wrong?>!!<

I did say I enjoy misery. If you were even a little disappointed at not finding those two wonderful words there, darling I have you wrapped around my tiny little finger and I’m certain that your fingers have been kept pretty busy too. >!Good girl!<

Because you see, no matter how unattainable you think yourself to be. At the end of the day you’re just a sloppy wet cunt who’s fucking herself because I asked you to. And that makes you feel so so good, doesn’t it?

How far do you think you’d be willing to go to get my attention. How far would you go to hear those two sweet words again. Would you be willing to humiliate and degrade yourself in unimaginable ways? Would you be willing to tell me how much of a desperate little whore you really are and how badly you want me to fuck with your mind? Would you be willing to let me use you and turn you into my good little fucktoy.

Because at the end of the day. The thing with this post is, it’s going to be stuck inside your mind. You may read it throb for the next few hours and walk away from it. But my words will linger. They will continue to grasp at your mind. Until you’re broken and helpless. That is what you want after all.

Don’t you? >!Good girl!<.

Read this again and again, as long as it takes. To soak your pussy and turn your brain to sweet mush.

Until you realize how far you’re willing to go to get some attention ;)

P.S.: I’m working on a gender neutral version of my last post. I will update it here when I’m done. Thanks for your support :) Any and all feedback is welcome.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/114i1sy/have_you_ever_wondered_how_far_youd_be_willing_to