Helen, part 2 (daddy/daughter)(piss fetish) (femdom)

Part one; [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r5rwzh/the_car_incident_incest_fetish/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r5rwzh/the_car_incident_incest_fetish/)

Enjoy, and comment if you’d like something more specific!

What is happening, honey ? Are you feeling well? Worried Lydia, her mom.

Was she well? Helen couldn’t really say. She felt a mixture of emotions that she didn’t really want to dissect yet. From the corner of her eyes, she saw her dad passing alongside her, and lowered her head. She was definitely NOT ready to meet his eyes…

– It’s ok, mum, she answered in a reassuring tone. I’ll be fine. The hike was a bit…intense, I guess, she said softly.

She could feel her dad’s eyes on her neck like a burning. Intense, she chuckled inside. Queen of euphemisms, aren’t you, she thought to herself again.

– Oh, okay, said Lydia. Go take your shower, your dad will go after, she added.

*Yeah,* thought Helen. *Not during, of course,* she added internally, feeling a weird heat in her belly. She jumped from her chair, climbed the wooden stairs two by two, and threw herself on her bed. *What the fuck*, she thought. What the fuck did just happened? She undressed slowly, trying to put away her knickers full of pee as far possible from her, directly in the dirty clothes basket.

The car incident (incest) (fetish)

Disclaimer: everyone is at least 18 years old. This tale is about incest and contains a piss fetish! If you don’t like it, don’t read :))

I had always been very close to my daughter, Helen. As a 45 years old dad, I had raised her less than half of my life, but she was, to me, one of the loveliest people on earth, inside and outside. Her mom and I had always taken care of her but still gave her a fair load of freedom: she was our only child, and we knew that we didn’t want to be these overbearing parents that children flee because they feel imprisoned.

She was a bright, independent young person, and many times in my head came the strange thought that had I known her young, I would have fallen in love with her immediately.

She wasn’t that similar to her mom: Lydia was a confident but sometimes too strict woman, and even physically, Helen was more similar to me than her mom as she had long, sleek dark hair with mischievous brown eyes. While Lydia had lots of trouble opening up, Helen was as straightforward as I was, which made our relationship so very smooth. Helen and I shared many hobbies from a young age: I used to read her many stories before bed, stories that I read myself at her age. Later, she ended up taking books herself on our bookshelves, and we shared a love for novels and fiction of all sorts.

The car incident (incest) (fetish)

Disclaimer: everyone is at least 18 years old. This tale is about incest and contains a piss fetish! If you don’t like it, don’t read :)) This is Part 1, I’ll do part 2 if people like it!

I had always been very close to my daughter, Helen. As a 45 years old dad, I had raised her less than half of my life, but she was, to me, one of the loveliest people on earth, inside and outside. Her mom and I had always taken care of her but still gave her a fair load of freedom: she was our only child, and we knew that we didn’t want to be these overbearing parents that children flee because they feel imprisoned.

She was a bright, independent young person, and many times in my head came the strange thought that had I known her young, I would have fallen in love with her immediately.