Our weekend activities [Group]

Pardon any errors, this is my first that I’m posting.

My partner (35M) and I (30F) recently were invited to a party by another couple. They had their folks watching the kids for the weekend, so they decided to have some friends over for some fun. As you might gather, this wasn’t just any regular house party…

I wore a skimpy little black dress with a long wool coat over, my partner in nice pants and a button up. The neighborhood was quiet so we walked up and rang the doorbell, being quiet ourselves. The host greeted us in his briefs, already ready to go for the festivities ahead.

We were among the first few to arrive, and the heat was blasting in the house, urging us to strip off our clothing. Inside, we met a single man and the wife hosting, both in limited clothing themselves. We grabbed a drink and joined in the flirting and light touching. We shuffled around in the kitchen and spotted the main entertainment space. The living room had several large mattresses on the floor and soft blankets covering the nearby couch. Red lights danced on the walls and ceilings. Even though the house was more than warm enough, my nipples pushed against my lingerie, eagerly anticipating what I knew would be happening in the next several hours.