Cali’s Desired Submission (D/s)

[Part 1] (
[Part 2] (

Cali woke up to her text notifications going off. She smiled as she saw the text was from Ian. As she opened it her own picture popped onto the screen. “This is a perfect position for worship.” The picture was taken of her in front of the floor length mirror. She was on her knees facing away from the mirror so that her beautiful curvy and full ass was on display. Her back angled down as her forehead rested on one hand. The other put that impluse buy selfie stick to good use.

His text went on to tell her how wonderful the night was and how beautiful her pictures were. Not one word was degrading or sexualized like most guys she had dealt with. As she curled up under her covers, another text came through. “What are you doing today?”. She smiled and decided to be brazen in her text. She wrote back “Hopefully you. ?”. She had the next two weeks off before the summer semester started. She didn’t know what she would be doing, but she hoped it would be learning submission from Ian.

Cali’s Desired Submission (MF D/s)

Cali walked into her apartment in a daze. She couldn’t believe she just had a date with Green-eyes. Erm I mean Ian. She played the dinner over and over in her head. It had been everything she wanted.

Ian stopped her plan to eat cheaply by letting her know he was ordering for the both of them. She tried to protest, but he insisted. “I picked this place for a reason Cali. This is what brought you to me. I saw it in your eyes that weekend that you would have stayed forever if you could.” Cali could only agree with that statement and turned bright pink when he informed her that he had noticed how many of her classes seem to require passing by the fraternity house.

As the food and drinks were order Cali found herself at ease talking to Ian. There was no pressure, non awkward silences, and no grasping for subjects. They spoke about school, future desires and the desire of dominance and submission. Cali had to admit she knew very little. “I only know about what I have seen in movies (The Secretary), porn and The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy. I have always wanted to serve someone, but didn’t know how to do it.” Ian talked about community and taking her to munches if she would like. He offer to introduce her to this world.

Cali’s Desired Submission (MF, submission, side story of Repayment)

It had been one month since the kidnapping. Mara went straight back to her old games, albeit at slightly cheaper restaurants. Cali spent her time wanting to go back. Every day she would walk past the fraternity house hoping to see him. Every night she would relive the memories while her fingers alternated between rubbing her swollen clit and thrusting her fingers into her pussy until she came over and over.

A ping pulled Cali from her daydream and made her very aware of her harden nipples and throbbing hot pussy. A glance at her phone showed she recieved interest from someone on her college dating app. Further investigation showed a average cute guy by the name John Smith. She rolled her eyes, but swiped right. She thought “what’s one date gonna hurt?”

5 minutes she got a copy and paste greeting from him and decided to reply. Over the next three days the college was busy with mid-terms and mid-term induced break downs. John and Cali chatted as often as their schedules allowed. Today he finally asked her out. Cali quickly said yes and as she walked out of the classroom asked where should we go.

Repayment part 2 (kidnapping, forced submission, humiliation/degradation)

Cali’s eyes widen as she watched the implements being brought in. There were shackles, chains, collars,leashes, and some items she couldn’t see clearly enough. Mara scoffed at her when she started to shiver and cry lightly. Mara mistook the tears for being afraid and told her such in whispered tones. Cali was afraid but relieved to be forced to finally act out a fantasy nobody knew she had.

Green-eyes let them stare at the implements for a few minutes. They watched as paddles, belts and other toys were set on the table. “You ladies have a way out of this. Repay us your portion of the dinner bills and you are free. You can walk out now. We were even nice and only 1/2 the bills rather than accurately putting down what was yours. Choose now repay and leave or accept the punishment.” Cali quickly choose punishment. Mare slowly followed suit with many complaints.

Damien informed the girls their outfits were behind the privacy panels. “Get changed quickly. We do not want to hear a single word or complaint. If we do, you will recieve punishment.”

Repayment (kidnapping, forced submission, humiliation/degradation)

“What a dumbass,” Cali chuckled to herself aa she left Sazeracs. Another highly expensive meal paid for by some poor smuck she convinced to take her there. This was the 10th week in a row that the dinner game Mara taught her about had worked. As she walked down the alley she noticeed 2 missed messages from her mom.

Her mom would not approve of Cali’s dating antics. Her mom and dad were the ultimate romance. High school sweethearts, each other’s first, all leading up to 35 years of marriage. Mom wanted the same thing for Cali. Cali just wanted to enjoy life and when her bestie Mara showed her the dinner game; enjoying life took on a whole new meaning.

Every Friday (and some Saturdays) she gets some guy from a dating site to take her to one of the expensive restaurants in the city. The bill is usually 250 to 400 dollars. Afterwards she blocks the guy and finds her next date. The guy is none the wiser.

No sex (question post)

Would you read a story that had no sex in it. Not a series where sex will come later, but one that has none. It would have BDSM related subjects. Wanted to know if it was worth typing out the story lol.

Daddy knows all part 2 (D/l MFF spanking)

Alice shivers at Daddy’s glare. She knows she made him mad. She glances over at her sister, bent over the desk. Siren’s ass has red welts on it from the belt and 3 purple welts from Daddy’s new toy. Her face is red and covered in tears and snot.

“Alice join your sister on the desk. Tail up and hands flat by your head,” Daddy calmly tells her as he moves around to the other side of the desk. Alice takes one small trembling step while trying to find a way out of this. “But Daddy, I…” she starts to speak when Daddy interrupts. “NOW ALICE!,” he orders. She moves quickly into position not wanting to disappoint him more. She knew her dinner excuse was lame as everything would be cooking for the next hour without her.

She turned her head towards Siren and looks at her sister. The thoughts pop unbidden into her head. What does Daddy see in her? Siren is bratty, spoiled, and loud. She doesn’t like to do chores and always tries to get Alice to take them. She doesn’t want to dress pretty, preferring simple plain clothes. Even her tail is plain! No fur, straight, and all black. Daddy’s boice breaks through her thoughts, ” I can see what you are thinking about your sister Alice, do you need to apologize to Siren again?”

Daddy knows all (D/L, MFF, Spanking)

“Ouch! Daddy that hurts, stop! I promise I’ll behave!” Alice rolls her eyes as she listens to Siren’s pleas and cries. “So fake and Daddy doesn’t realize it,” she mutters to herself. She continues preparing dinner as it is her night to do so. She runs her hand through her hair making sure the braid is still perfectly in place.

See unlike her sub sister Siren, Alice does what she is told. She prefers to be rewarded by Daddy, not punished. Siren likes Daddy’s belt and does bratty thing to get it. Oh she wails and wiggles and cries during the whole time so Daddy thinks it is a punishment. But when he is done, she always comes out with that little smirk.

Alice bends over the oven to put the chicken and wiggles as the plug in her ass moves a little. She smiles and grabs her kitten tail. This is her favorite plug to wear, it’s glass base connects to the prettiest tail ever. Even better than Siren’s straight black tail. She spends another minute grooming and then washes her hands.

Take me now Part 6 Final (MF, bondage, primal play)

(This is my first writing. I would appreciate any feedback) (Aftercare)

I start to wake as the feeling of weightlessness engulfs me. Before I can panic, I realize you are picking me up. I lazily wrap my arms around your neck, not caring where you are taking me.

As we go up the stairs you tell me to close my eyes. “It’s really bright up here pet,” you explain. We go up one flight of stairs, then we are in the corridor whe I took that fateful wrong turn.

Up a second flight of stairs and you pause adjusting my weight in your arms to open a door. Steam rolls out of the crack and I turn to get a better look. A mirror reminds me that I am completely naked in someone’s house. I struggle to cover myself lest anyone sees us.

You chuckle, and say, “Pet you realize this is my home. I have been planning this encounter for months, ever since your shirt slipped off your shoulder at work and I saw the bite mark. I knew I had to have you. Nobody else is here, you’re safe.”

Take me now part 5 (MF, bondage, predator/ prey)

(This is my first writing. I would appreciate comments for improvement)

I lay on the bed unable to move. Still blindfolded I struggle to listen for anything that will clue me in to where you are. The silence is deafening. After what seems like hours I hear a small click and the bed shifts as you climb on it. You press your jeans against my thighs and pussy. I want to rub myself on you so badly.

You start to drip some warm across my tits. Initially I though lt it was wax but it felt too fluid. Maybe a different kind of wax than what I use in my solo play? You drip it down my stomach and onto my mound. It starts to slid down between my lips to meet with my own wetness. You continue down my thighs and then onto my arms. I hear the snap as the cap closes. The bed shifts again as you leave.

Your hands start to rub my body starting with my calves and working up. The massage oil seems to become even warmer with every touch. You get to the junction of my thighs.