An Ice Dildo And A Tiny Asian Girl (M/F)

One time in the first half of 2014, I was on an little island in Hong Kong. I was visiting a friend there who had a lovely little villa style house on top of a hill, you could hear birds cheeping and feel warm sunshine as you sat on the roof.

My Boyfriend was with me.

My Boyfriend isn't 'Normal'.

Using some sort of bizarre creativity and sex magic, he created an ice dildo (get a condom and a cardboard cylinder, unravel the condom and pour cold water in it, put the edges around the cylinder and leave it in ur freeze to freeze solid).

I had never seen or heard of an Ice Dildo before, I had never imagined having an Ice Dildo inside my Asian Tight Pussy before either.

After creating this masterpiece of a sex toy, he got a small face towel, poured boiling hot water on it, rolled it up super tight and shoved it into a condom.

The result?

1 Super Cold Ice Dildo and 1 Super Hot…Face Towel..sorta..Dildo…Thing……

He commanded me to lay on my back and close my eyes and open my mouth wide….being the good girl I am, i did so…