The map app says I am 20 minutes away, in a short time I will meet my Goddess.
*What if she is not there?*
*What if your car breaks?*
*What if she doesn’t like you anymore?*
We are meeting at her hotel, I am so excited!
*Did you jot it down correctly?*
*Are you sure you have the right one?*
*Did she give you the right one?*
The voices have been with me ever since I can remember. They are my thoughts, doubts, and possibilities running through my mind giving me feedback about my circumstances. It is something I have never been able to shut off.
It is what it is, my mind has worked this way all my life and it has served me well, the voices have given me great advice and warnings. They have also led me astray or made me hesitate too much. They are a double-edged sword.
*Yes, we have helped you!*
*We know best!*
*No, we don’t, we are wrong so many times!*