How my [F] girlfriend gave me [M] 2 intense blowjobs on campus.

This story goes back to the first semester, I’m in my 3rd semester now and I’ve been with her for more than a year.

We started dating during our first semester and we’re about the same age. So, she is like 5’4 and has a really good body, not thick but she’s one of those girls who know how to handle their body in a good way just so that they’re as attractive as any other thick girl. With perky boobs and a bubble butt. She wears clothes that highlight her features in a unique way. She wears grey colored contacts all the times which multiply her beauty and she already has very deep and seductive eyes.

We had just recently started fooling around, random BJs and making out in parking lots type of thing. She’s the girl that wanted to make it a special time when we both first had sex, we’re both virgins at this point. It’s typical in India.

We were both fooling around the campus one day when she randomly goes “Let me cool off my little baby under the pants, I see he’s desperate for a kiss” BJs were normal for us at this point and we both had fun. Sometimes I sucked her off and sometimes she sucked me until I was dry. This specific time she seemed way too energetic.