Pet Adrianna

Este cuento fue traducido usando un traductor automático y es completamente ficticio creado por la imaginación del autor. Contiene contenido para adultos y temas de violencia contra las mujeres y cautiverio. Si el contenido para adultos o estos temas te ofenden, no continúes. Este cuento está destinado únicamente a propósitos de fantasía.


A pesar de que es 2020, soy tu ama de casa estereotipada de los años 50.  Me quedo en casa con los niños, limpio todo el día, cocino cada comida con un delantal y administro el hogar.  Me encanta el papel de la diosa doméstica y es un papel que juego muy bien.   Sin embargo, la monotonía de la vida cotidiana me deja anhelando algo estimulante que me hace sentir vivo.

Hace unas semanas, comencé a soñar despierto con lo que podría darme la emoción que anhelaba desesperadamente.  Me imaginé tener un auto deportivo y la adrenalina de conducirlo rápido.  Compré un auto muscular americano y la prisa que recibí de la fuerza presionando contra mi cuerpo, ya que aceleré sólo hizo mis deseos de búsqueda de emociones más insaciables.

Pet Adrianna NSFW

This short story is completely fictitious created by the author’s imagination. It contains adult content and themes of violence against women and captivity. If adult content or these themes offend you, do not continue. This short story is intended for fantasy purposes only.


Even though it is 2020, I am your stereotypical 1950s housewife.  I stay at home with the kids, clean all day, cook every meal with an apron on,  and manage the household.  I love the role of the domestic goddess and it is a part I play very well.   However, the monotony of everyday life leaves me longing for something exhilarating that makes me feel alive.

    A few weeks ago, I began to daydream about what could give me the thrills I desperately craved.  I imagined owning a sports car and the adrenaline rush from driving it fast.  I bought an American muscle car and the rush I got from the force pressing against my body as I accelerated only made my thrill-seeking desires more insatiable.

Pet Adrianna

This short story is completely fictitious created by the author’s imagination. It contains adult content and themes of violence against women and captivity. If adult content or these themes offend you, do not continue. This short story is intended for fantasy purposes only.

Adrianna slightly moaned. She rolled her head to the right and started to blink. She could not see very well as her purple sleep mask was still on. She tried to move her hands to her face to take it off but she could not move her arms. She pulled and pulled, harder and harder but could not move them. She then twisted her hands around, feeling her wrists. She could feel leather bound around them. She moved her fingers slightly past her wrists, as far as she could reach, and felt a chain. It was then Adrianna realized her wrists were bound to the top of the bed.

She was a little groggy and kept blinking harder and harder trying to wake up. This had to be a dream. With all of her strength she tried to pull her arms down to her sides. Her wrists hurt as they pulled against the restraints. Adrianna realized she was awake.

Birthday Surprise FFM

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Olivia led her husband by the hand to their second story, $49.99-a-night motel room. She removed the key from her back pocket. She flashed a ornery half smile at her husband, Philip, then unlocked door. As soon as they entered the room she immediately commanded her husband to strip to his boxers and sit on one of the motel chairs. Olivia pulled out 4 red leather bondage restraints from her sleek Italian leather designer handbag. This was not the type of place the wealthy power couple would normally frequent. However for tonight, a dirty cheap motel room was exactly what they needed.