The Lady Is A Vamp

He slammed me against the wall in one fluid movement, swept my wrists up and pinned them to either side of my head. I struggled against his vice-like grip, thrashing slightly from left to right, but he simply laughed, a low chuckle in his throat.

“Whatever am I to do with you, hmm?” He asked roughly, pressing his forehead against mine, his searing gaze searching my face for some sort of answer. I stared back at him with big eyes and started to tremble slightly. 

“Let me go,” I whispered, biting my lip with anxiety. I could feel the length of his muscular body pressing against mine, and there was a massive bulge at his crotch that was worrying me immensely. 

“Open your legs, baby girl,” he murmured, licking his lips and pressing a knee against my thighs, urging them to part. “Don’t make me ask again.” He ground his pelvis into my own to emphasise his point, and to demonstrate his need. 

“No!” I hissed, tossing my head and staring past him in disgust, my lips pursed in a pout. “I’m not just gonna give it up to you. Get over it and let me go, now.”

Persephone and Hades – Part Six

It took me a moment to realise that the light in the room was dimming again; as he stared at me with the gaze of an apex predator eyeing off its prey, his irises continued to glow brighter and brighter with an unholy flame, until I could barely make out anything but the floating rubies of his face through the inky gloom surrounding us. 

I sucked in a deep breath and sat up, propping myself up on my elbow on my side. 

“Dress me,” I commanded firmly, arching an eyebrow at him lest he dare refuse me. I knew that he would be able to see my “don’t fuck with me” expression quite clearly, with his sight. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, and I didnt want it’s telltale speedy rhythm to give me away if he attempted to pull my naked skin close to him again, which I suspected that he would. 

The breeze in the room picked up, swirling past my face in a gust and ruffling my long flowing hair hanging halfway down my back, indicative of his mood at suddenly being ordered around. I smiled, a tug of my lips at the corners, glad that I could get to him so. After all, he certainly knew how to rub me the wrong way in return!

Persephone and Hades – Part Five

A sudden massive gust of ice cold wind circled the bedchamber like a vortex, extinguishing the flaming wall sconces and shrouding everything it touched in a cloak of darkness as it whipped around the room. My hair was tossed across my face and my clothes dishevelled in its wake. I tried to see through the gloom, peering into the inky blackness in an attempt to make out the bed, the chair, Hades, anything… but there was nothing but ebony emptiness to behold. 


He must have had his eyes shut, because – as I glanced around blindly – two burning, ruby embers suddenly lit up the darkness directly in front of me. Hades had opened his lids partway, and was perusing me in ominous silence, hellfire blazing in his deep red, glowing eyes. I realised then that the wind and the dark were a direct manifestation of his mood… so, in comparison to those other occasions when the room had darkened along with his temper, this time, his anger must have been extreme… Rather than a deepening twilight rage, this was like a sudden fucking solar eclipse…

Persephone and Hades – Part Four

“You’ll see….you’ll see,” Hades whispered. 

Ugh. The pain was excruciating. I doubled over and hugged myself, rocking back and forth. I remembered the same agonizing ache from my dream… or, rather, my memory. He’d made me eat a pomegranate from the Underworld, the first time, as a means of keeping me there. Kissed them into my mouth himself. Six pomegranate seeds, which had resulted in six months of the year. I suspected that he was up to his usual trickery with this so-called breakfast in bed.

“Owww,” I managed to moan. “Hades, wha- what have you done!? Don’t fucking tell me- aagh, it hurts!”

He loomed over me, his expression bemused, and arched one eyebrow. His muscles rippled in the light. “I suspect that you are well aware of what I’ve done to you, Persephone…. Just as you were the first time. I’ve given you fruit from The Underworld, the food of The Dead. Now, you’re bound to me, and to our Kingdom… I couldn’t have you just deciding to go on with your mortal life, now, could I? Did you really think that there was an option where you would not return home with me?” He chuckled darkly and shook his head slowly, running a hand through his long raven hair. “As though that was even a question! Can you imagine!? Like I would… just… what? Let you go…? Really, baby. I’d have thought that you’d be cleverer than that….you used to be, anyway…” 

Persephone and Hades – Part Three

The shower pounded down upon my skin like the rain in a fierce summer storm, warm to the touch and relentless in its torrent. I tipped my head up and let the water pour down over my face and pool in my mouth, as Hades ground his pelvis into my back and rubbed his rock hard cock over the sweet curves of my arse cheeks. I moaned, letting the water trickle down my chin, and arched myself against him, teasing his arousal. 

“You are the devil,” he purred in my ear, nipping at my neck. “Let me inside you, now!”

I laughed throatily. “Aren’t you the devil?” I asked him, curious. He slipped a finger inside my lips from behind and started to knead my clitoris. “Yesssss,” he gave a low, dark hiss, and the thrill of him had me moaning, my knees weakening and my resistance alongside it. “Ooohhh…” I gasped as his finger dipped lower and found the entrance to my body, and then a second digit followed suit.

Persephone and Hades – Part Two

“Fine, come in, I’ll lead the way” I murmured, gesturing to the big house with a sarcastic wave of my hand as we walked towards it

He crossed over the lawn to a paved walkway that led from the pool area up to a large decked patio area, just outside of the kitchen doors. There were lush gardens to either side of the patio that were filled with baby fruit trees and honeysuckle vines and lit up like magic at night time thanks to some handy spotlights and some fairy lights. The darkly varnished wood of the deck gleamed and little blue lights decorated the edge every now and then. A large L-shaped black wicker lounge with grey comfy cushions and two matching chairs sat clustered around a wide coffee table like little old ladies at the market, adding an air of relaxation to the place. It was my little sanctuary, my little go-to area when I was sad. 

The house itself was a three storey mixture of matte black iron, crafted timber features, stone and smoked grey glass. It sat nestled at the top of a small cul-de-sac backing onto the expansive forest, its modern squarish design and all its components fitting right into the backdrop of nature. It was kind of industrial, rustic, urban modern chic, if there were such a thing. 

Persephone and Hades (m/f)

I stared at the creature standing before me, my hazel green eyes wide with disbelief. It’s skin was the colour of spoiled meat; a pale fleshy mass mottled with light green and brown flecks that appeared marshmallow-esque and squishy to the touch. It had a light coating of downy fur covering its spindly body and thin tendrils of black, stringy hair that hung from it’s mangy head and fell to about halfway down its protruding ribcage. It’s dark eyes watched me curiously, deep ruby red in colour. It had no irises, just the glossy cornea that somehow managed to stare into the very depths of my petrified soul. It shivered slightly at the droplets of water still clinging to its skeletal body, and I couldn’t take my eyes away from the monstrosity it presented, sprawled naked across the dew-kissed grass of my backyard as it was.

“A fairy!?” I repeated harshly, my eyebrows nearly climbing my forehead. “You’re a… A fucking… FAIRY!?”

A Wendigo, or a rake, or even a skinwalker would have been my guess… But a FAIRY? That wouldn’t even have crossed my mind.