My girlfriend [F]28 and I [M]32 went to our first swing party [group] and had an amazing time

Annie and I have been dating for almost a year now. She is a petite Asian woman who happens to be incredibly sexy……… and I am quite smitten. Our sex life has been great. When it comes sex, Annie may not be an explorer, but she can be adventurous, always open to new ideas. For example, I turned her on to sex toys and now we both enjoy a nice collection of vibrators of various sorts.

Through a friend, I recently heard about a local swing club that was accepting new members. My friend said that Annie and I were precisely the type they would welcome to the club. I was encouraged to apply to attend an upcoming event to see if we would fit in. Having never experienced a swing party I was interested, but attendance, of course, required that I come as part of a couple. I ran the idea past Annie and she seemed intrigued, but hesitant. She said that she had not had sex in front of others and was not sure how she would feel about this. I told her that attendance at this party did not require us to participate; there would be no pressure and that we could simply mingle and watch. (I did not tell her that permanent membership in the club would in fact require our participation followed by nomination from a member. Not a big deal since I figured this would be a one-time only event for us).

Living dangerously: Professor [M]44 has freaky encounter with student [F]21 from class

I know many will frown upon my taboo behavior, having sex with a student from my class………. But sometimes we all take really boneheaded risks on account of the possibly great reward. This is such a story.

After many years as a university Prof, I am used to having female (and sometimes male) students flirt with me. Just part of the job, and harmless, good fun; it never goes anywhere. Taylor, a student in my senior seminar class this semester, was unique, however; her flirting never let up and just kept getting more overt with time. She also wears ridiculously sexy outfits to class and often sits right in front of me. That is precisely what happened four days ago. She wore a very short mini-skirt and sat in the desk right in front of me. Since I have 40 pairs of eyes glued me as I lecture, I had to work hard to keep my gaze up and away from Taylor.

I [M]44 think my neighbor [F]18 has a public peeing fetish

My wife and I live in a semi-rural area with our closest neighbor’s house being about 400 feet from ours. Six years ago, a family of six moved in. Since both of the adults in this family are major assholes, we have very limited interactions with them. We have had virtually no interactions with their four kids other than waving at each other as we pass on our common private road. Considering how dysfunctional the parents are, my wife and I often wonder about the sanity of these kids.

A number of weeks ago, I was working in my yard, poop-scooping on account of my three large dogs. While I scooped, I could hear the neighbor kids and their friends playing in their backyard pool. The pool is completely out of view from my property, but the kid’s screams carry over. While I worked, I glanced in the direction of their house and I saw a girl heading towards our property. Our homes are surrounded by large swaths of lawn, but as one gets to the border between the properties, there are many trees, providing a nice separation buffer between the properties. A split rail fence runs along the border and between these trees. Whoever was walking towards me was actually heading toward these trees, but glancing backwards furtively from whence she came.