More from STARSHIP RIMSHOT… even an music album

Just when you thought ROSCOE FORTHRIGHT could get no whackier…. we discover:

[ON THE WIDE RINGS OF SATURN – the music album](

**And a story of butt lust with Triplets….**

Capt. Theremin Spurts for the Yragoth Triplets

Most people aspire toward specific joys, goals and worldly ambitions. Capt. Theremin of the Starship Rimshot aspires to other-worldly joys, goals and ambitions. His most persistent fantasy has become a permanent longing, **an inconsolable aching to make physical contact with the anuses of the Yragoth Triplets**, Princesses of Alpha Centauri. He has met them at parties, and watched their music videos. He once kissed Kyrm’s erect nipples when she was drunk on Ganymede. He knows from reliable sources, all three: Ethlya, Kyrm and Bryol are available, cheerful, generally promiscuous, and eager for new adventures with friendly humans.

As much as Capt. Theremin loves Delonia, Queen of Vega; as much as he loves her royal anus, he lusts and lusts to gush cream onto, into or very close to each anus of each Yragoth Princess. Perhaps they will jack him. Perhaps he will jack himself. Truly, the only detail which matters is having his modest-size erection pressed against their fannies, semen bursting joyfully. Their tight, lime-green anuses full of semen.

Tales from Starship Rimshot. THE GOSPEL OF SACRED JIZZ

**When the humans of Vega Prime heard, saw, tasted, touched and smelled the religious beliefs of the humans of Altarus V, almost one-fourth of the adult population took sacred vows and moved into monasteries.** The polyamorous civilization of Vega Prime already cherished and openly discussed all forms of human sexuality. (Children were often shyly embarrassed when their parents talked about oral sex at the dinner table.) As in some cities of ancient Rome and some 20th Century towns in Bhutan, erect phalluses decorated buildings and shop windows, erections rose tall in public squares, and sculptured vulva were seen most everywhere. Artistic renderings of both male and female genitalia were considered symbols of prosperity and good fortune.

Therefore, when the handsome priests and curvaceous **beautiful priestesses of Altarus V arrived entirely nude beneath shimmering iridescent robes, and preached the Gospel of Sacred Jizz**, few people resisted the new religion. Being told The Oneness, the Eternal Cosmos Itself, and all Gods and Goddesses blessed the lusty lifestyles of Vega Prime, the citizens of Vega Prime were predisposed sacred fucking, and the Gospel of Sacred Jizz was tasty icing on their philosophic cake.

STARSHIP RIMSHOT. Current stories on Reddit

Current stories on reddit




The Cock-Stroking Saint of Antares

Saints come in all shapes and sizes. Some come and come and come, and just keep having orgasms until their religious followers join in, or go way disgusted. Few serious-minded religious people consider masturbation a legitimate and worthwhile form of prayer. This disparaging view is an Old Earth-born piece of nonsense, from onanism in the Old Testament, as if that old book was the most accurate description of Universal Reality.

As with many old books, the doctrines of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were taught and pushed, and promoted as accurate descriptions of reality, many centuries past their expiration date. They become stale, moldy and unhealthy in all ways. People only ate the stale sandwiches, because no one was presenting them with better, healthy spiritual food. When no accurate descriptions of reality are available, people often believe what they are told. The loudest, most widely distributed or most charismatic ideas dominate the decade, or many decades, and limit the imaginations of millions of people.


Lt. Alastair with the Local Girls

Lt. Alastair McGonagal, chief navigator of Starship Rimshot, needed a vacation. He was worn out, with no interest or energy left inside him, except for local pleasures. For the past two month he was far off, three galaxies away from Earth, suppressing an thick infestation of Insectoid Brill. A pirate confederation of these arthropods were obsessed with the Seven Pleiades Sisters, wanting insert proboscis into young warn vaginae, and inject each human girl with hot, sticky spurts of gelatinous ooze.

“Not on my watch!” said Capt. Theremin. And what followed was two months of all-out war, hand-to-hand combat with grasshoppers and lobsters, and the horrid stench of scorched and boiled arthropod bodily fluids. At last the famous pop-stars were returned home to a planet orbiting Taygeta, unraped and unharmed. All this, far more than Alastair signed-up for. He worked for an intergalactic merchant fleet, nor a Royal navy. All Alastair wanted to do right now was smoke primo Pacific Northwest weed and enjoy a few local girls.

Tales from Starship Rimshot. Pumping the Star-Queen’s Sweet Ass

Capt. Theremin has little experience with self-doubt. At 55-years old, he has flown most every type of modern space vessel, and visited twelve star-systems. His current job, as senior commander of the long-haul freighter, Starship Rimshot, has proven his mastery of both navigation and confident even-handed management of his crew. After all this, as he looks out his cabin window, seeing the large Red Eye of Jupiter in partial eclipse behind the gray surface of Ganymede, our Capt. has doubts. Laying on his bed, with her smooth thighs wide open, Delonia, Queen of the Vega Star-System, smiles and plays with her erect nipples. Our Capt. knows his aging body is up for any pleasant playtime with human females, but his love for Delonia overwhelms his reason. He is obsessed with her beauty and her laughter. No words enter his mind. Only joy. Only intense sexual desire.

Tales from Starship Rimshot. ANDROID SUSIE GETS RELIGION

Up Inside Android Susie

Polly’s first interaction with android Susie had been surprising, but not unpleasant. For several months after Susie revealed her affection and sexual desire, after Polly had seen Susie rattle and shake her breast-plates with a vibrator– Polly thought about Susie and wondered just exactly what sex with an android-girl would feel like. What kind of pussy does an android have? Susie had worked as a house-cleaning droid; in that job she would have no need for a functional vagina.

With these thoughts, she phoned Alastair to ask if he still owned Susie, and where he got her, and asked what he knew about her android vagina.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha!” Alastair laughed. “I got her second-hand from a nuclear physicist on Mars. She was originally a sex-bot droid, made for lonely platinum miners up on Pavonis Mons. I have never seen her naked, but I believe Susie has all her original hardware, and probably her sex-bot programming was never erased. Do you want to take her out for a test-drive?” And Alastair laughed some more.

Tales from Starship Rimshot. ANDROID SUSIE FALLS IN LOVE

Android Susie Falls in Love with Polly

No human ever expects to win the heart of a machine. While visiting Alastair and Jenny aboard Starship Rimshot, Polly was left alone in a room with a housekeeper droid named, Susie. Polly sat quietly reading a book, while Susie washed dishes, vacuumed, then dusted and sorted, Alastair’s collection of cannabis pipes and jars of weed. After completing these chores, Susie sat in a chair close to Polly, and stared longingly at the human female. As if unconsciously fidgeting her hands, android Susie caressed a device which looked very much like a vibrator. Susie turned the device on and off several times, caressing it and letting the vibrating unit jiggle her bronze breast-plates.

Polly did not know how to respond.

[Starship Rimshot](

Tales from Starship Rimshot. THE HERMAPHRODITE KING

Autumnal Orgy on Vega Prime

The Hermaphrodite King invited Princess Hypatia to a three-day equinox orgy on Vega Prime. This was entirely new sexual territory for the reclusive philosopher-mathematician from the far Prometheus Cluster. Polyamorous interactions were beyond her personal experience, but her curious mind wanted to know more, and she completely trusted her cheerful, humorous and highly-intelligent friend the Hermaphrodite King. She personally enjoyed and admired his long penis as it dangled mockingly, like a puppet with slack strings. And she certainly smiled and laughed out loud when the royalty scepter stood tall, full-up like a proud conquering warrior! She also enjoyed his soft, large female breasts, snuggling her face against them, and feeling comforted like a child.

Hypatia found the King so unusual, comfortable and fun-to-be-with, she could not refuse his invitation.

[MFFF] Roscoe films Three-Girl Discipline with Double-Headed Dildo

from the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright.

Kate Wilkins was born in Ipswich, U.K. An energetic British girl with red hair, her curly red pubic mound a meaningful inheritance from some lusty Celt ravishing a milk-white Anglo-Saxon. (Roscoe intends to make her Sacred Celtic Mound famous across the U.S., Canada and much of the European Union, as an internet-porn tourist destination.) Kate trained as a scuba diver and as a yoga teacher , moving between those two careers every few months, not completely satisfied with either. Often she would take extended vacations, and end up modeling, or shooting x-rated videos in exotic places, laying on the beach drinking Mojitos.

Roscoe met Kate at a nude beach in Marin County, north from San Francisco. Roscoe sat perched on a large rock, overlooking the beach. He was creating a sculpture from native blue clay, found in abundance near this beach. His sculpture was a giant erect cock. Kate looked up at Roscoe, over the top of her sunglasses, as he was putting the finishing touches on his masterpiece. He was bathing the smooth blue surface of the three -foot arching erection with water, making it shiny in bright sunlight. Kate said, “You gotta be kiddin’ me.”