Roscoe Forthright on Reddit. A short list of story links

Roscoe on Reddit

In appreciation for many reads from the many Reddit readers…. Mistress Alisha has made a video. We hope readers continue to enjoy the stories below.

[Alisha’s Reddit Readers EroticLiterature Appreciation Day](

1. [Mouth of One Thousand Cocks](
2. [Three Poems](
3. [Small Confessions](
4. [The Semen-Pope Hires Android Susie](
5. [The Hermaphrodite King and the Erhu Player](
6. [The Hermaphrodite King’s Autumnal Orgy](
7. [5974 Beautiful Bursts of Semen](
8. [Jizz, jizz, jizz…beautiful sacred jizz!](


Roscoe Forthright. Small Confessions

**Small Confessions**

In addition to my three main lovers, the young wives of other men, I enjoy kissing the mouths of minor porn stars. Heterosexual and bisexual females, under 35 years old, without mental health issues. If they have taken care of themselves, and run their short careers (15 years max) with some intelligence, they are doing OK, physically and mentally healthy with money in the bank.

I enjoy kissing them, because I have seen a few of their videos, and can easily imagine others, with their happy mouths full of cock, with massive semen spurts on their faces and on their outstretched tongues. I have seen big cocks, a wide variety of shapes and colors pumping my minor porn stars in the ass, and pounding their vaginae. Sometimes my girls take on two, three and four cocks at a time! A cumfest. I kiss the mouths of girls who made those boys come, and made all the voyeurs, all the viewers of their porn come and come and come. I kiss the mouths of minor porn stars with gratitude, intense pleasure and humility. The few smart ones are philosophical about sucking cock.

Roscoe Forthright. Three Poems (yeah, actual literature…hahahahah)


Your tenderness is self-evident

in moist vaginal folds, spontaneously

wet, wet, your joyous viscous arousal,

joyful eyes and moans, as observable

as any miracle of nature.

Sight, taste touch and smell,

the sound of my tongue lapping,

lapping like ocean waves, no human

action being equivalent to a tongue

lapping a vagina, flicking left, right,

up, down, my mouth sucking each

puffy lip, and making quick circles

in the vicinity of your clitoris.

No one taught my this oral technique.

I read these actions in no book, saw them

in no documentary film on public television,

only by trial and error across four decades

have I learned to lick a vagina properly,

with courtesy and tenderness, equal to

the joy of your arousal, to instigate…

To instigate ten to fifteen minutes of intense pleasure,

your cheerful sighs, moans and whispers,

To instigate series of short and long orgasms,

To instigate our tangible love in physical form,

your vagina pressed tight against my teeth.

I expect no awards, no lecture tours,

Roscoe Forthright. Mouth of One Thousand Cocks

**Kimmie says** she wants to make a video of herself sucking my cock. She adds, *Please.* I have no reason to refuse such a polite and pleasant request.

She says, “It will be a short film with voice-over narration. I have written this script. I will record the narrative first. Then we can make the video.” She handed me the script below:

“**This is art. It serves its own purposes.** Dear viewer, if you do not like what you see.

I truly do not care. Watch something else.

If this was porn, the whole point would be getting the big cock hard, and watching it spurt.

That is both entertaining and personally valuable to people who want to watch videos and masturbate. **Many boys, and more than a few girls, get off watching me suck cock.**

But that is not what I am up to, at this moment, with this cock. I have held many lovely cocks in my mouth, cocks of many shapes, sizes and colors, circumcised and uncircumcised. All those boys were truly excited at the time, wanting to spurt spurt spurt, gush gush gush into my mouth and onto my face. Now and then I would have two or three boys at the same time, **usually in Texas, big cocks from the big state, blasting semen onto my tongue**, splashing over my cheeks and eyelids, splashing over my breasts.

Alexander Thorrson. 5974 Beautiful Bursts of Semen

His love is for me, His thick cock is for me. His beautiful bursts of semen and all his intense joy, all this, my lover brings me.

When we are apart, my sexual worship becomes digital. God Bless iPhone technology! Five hundred miles distant, I can see my lover stroke his glorious erection, I enjoy him squeezing his balls, as he moans and comes for me. All this, my lover brings me.

And I save my best orgasms, And I save my best joy, And I save my cash, And I save my ambitions, And I save my best love, to share with the man I love.

Do not imagine for one moment the is the only man who comes for me. Many boys shoot cream for me, lovely boys in 40 nations. Google says I have 5974 followers in 40 nations. Each boy jacking his happy cock, gushing his cream, watching my videos. Each boy uses his imagination. And I am all for that!

These lovely boys, all 5974 of them, need and deserve exquisite orgasms, just as much as my own sweet lover. And I am glad to help.

Alexander Thorrson. Making Each Blast of Jizz Worthwhile

***I realize more than half the readers of erotic literature do not have cocks….*** So jizz is not a complete measure of spiritual value for tens of millions of sexual encounters. Satisfied vaginas are every bit as useful and worthwhile as blasts of quivering viscous semen. Salty cream and honey-thick vaginal fluids are equal holy sacraments….like those Catholic wafers and shot-glasses of wine. The Eucharist. Quivering blasts of semen gushing into a joyful girl’s mouth, a vibrator buzz, buzz, buzzing inside her delirious vagina… ***holy sacraments!***

Oh, God… now I will have the Socially-Sensitive Thought-Control Police ***(SSTCP)*** deleting everything I post! Any equivalence between every day worldwide fucking and religious ceremonies is simply not allowed! I will lose my Liberal Agenda Country Club membership card, and lose my invitations to all Democratic Party parties, and be forced to hang out with loud, gun-toting self-confident Trumpsters!! ***Just for stating an obvious truth.***

***Making each blast of jizz worthwhile is very much like making a religion***…. any old religion. Pick your favorite: Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Zoroastrianism Taoists, Ba’hai, The Jews, The Christians, and even those few lusty remaining Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshies in the purple robes! (***Of course, The Bhagwan approved of many joyful ass-slapping orgies*** ….even those having no connection at all to any spiritual experience.)

Alexander Thorrson. Telling the Story no.8. “Truth”

Alexander’s saintly behavior is sometimes found in his own words. Sometimes, not. We know people often lie to themselves and to each other, but sometimes, in unguarded moments we think, write, or speak the lovely truth, *and we value those moments as they are so infrequent.*

In chapter four, Alexander writes: “When sexual actions are considered sacred ritual, detailed plans can be made, plans to insure all participants have the best time possible, using our warm human bodies to their fullest and most satisfying potential. I save up my semen a full week for Codie. I save up my semen a full month for Kim. Knowing I will not have opportunity to orgasm with these women until a specific place and time, I prepare. Of course, I masturbate while watching videos of my girls playing with vibrators or sucking my erection, or sucking the erections of other boys. Or the girl bringing each other to orgasm with fingers or dildos slippery fast. I masturbate joyfully, fully erect and moaning, but I do not spurt my cream. I save my cream to spurt fully when with each woman.

Alexander Thorsson: Telling the Story. No. 4 “Stream of Consciousness”

If I told you jacking my cock while thinking about my four lovers, in great detail, remembering specific shared pleasure, or watching high resolution videos of our shared pleasure, and holding myself fully erect on the cusp of orgasm, to let small creamy drops of semen ooze from my small orifice, holding myself aroused, stroking quickly, stroking slowly, whatever works best to sustain my full, delirious erection… If I told you, and added this joy is equivalent to, and no different from, as valid as, as sacred as, and provably effective as meditations leading to higher awareness, and ultimately to moksha, the release of earthly suffering and union with the Godhead, immersion in the Oneness, direct contact with Almighty God, called Jehovah, Allah, or any other name one chooses… If told all this, and you had the presence of mind to take me seriously, and seriously consider the possibility your own sexual arousal,
even when alone, even when your girls or boys are all elsewhere doing entirely non-sexual things, as you lay on your bed in sunlight on a Sunday afternoon thinking warmly of each one, reciting their names like sacred prayers, as if they were Saints or Archangels sent directly from God into your life and into your bed, spreading their thighs so you might lick their vaginal folds, or opening their mouths to receive soft flesh, whereupon they might suckle the flesh full, whereupon your own cock might burst joyous offerings of semen into their mouths, each woman or man swallowing your semen, whereupon and therefore your love and sexual desire as tangible as a bowling ball, smooth, shiny, consummated and satisfied… If I told all this, and added, I was certain my consciousness merged with my naked girls’ consciousness, and further, certain my one human mind merged with the consciousness of the Universe, the All-Encompassing Oneness, as sacred as any event mentioned in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the scrolls of Buddhism and Hinduism, and the most cherished writings of all other faiths…. If I concluded my observations of absolute faith in the moments of orgasm were as sacred as any words of Jesus, the Buddha, Mohammed or Lao Tze… Few people would believe me. Few 21st Century minds are free from the dogma cults of technology, and the tattered former dogma cults of this and that previous cultural heritage, to accept my words and my beliefs as accurate descriptions of observable reality. As mentioned above, assimilated reality is not the only reality.

Alexander Thorsson: Telling the Story No. 7. “Spontaneous Threesome.”

I don’t normally kiss and tell. Who I fuck and how, and when, and why is really no one’s business except my own and the joyful participants. But some events are too spectacular to keep to myself.

Eva called up her girl-friend Codie. to say their favorite elderly gentleman was in town, in a room conveniently located. And ready for some playtime. Codie said, “Sure, give me an hour or so.”

Eva showed up in 20 minutes, excited and talkative. She took her pants off, leaving her naked below, as she wears no panties. She started to make herself a cup of tea. Spontaneously, before she got the tea bag out of the packet, she blurted out, “Fuck! I need my vibrator!” Thoughtfully, I brought one of her vibrators with me, and I had already plugged it into the wall. She went straight for the device and forgot all about the Earl Gray. She said, “ I really can’t wait for Codie.”

Alexander Thorsson: Telling the Story. No. 2 “Cut Them Some Slack”

One of my lovers is in the kitchen making cheesecake. Laying in my bedroom, down the corridor from the living room and kitchen, I hear the high-pitched whirr of her blender. This bothers me not at all. I smile, I am well pleased. And I look forward to the cheesecake with raspberries on top. I lay in bed well-satisfied, after looking at images of my other three lovers, after stroking myself to orgasm looking at those images. I rest calmly listening to rain, a torrent of rain on the metal roof of our home, the rain, the blender, and remembered orgasmic sighs of my lovers. I have no reason to be displeased by their presence, nor displeased by their absence. They do what they need to do, and what they wish to do. Sometimes, they make cheesecake or beef stroganoff, and sometimes they are not home, so I make my own beef stroganoff, and buy a cheesecake.